I have attached two files, one with the AMANDA temperature data and one with the IceCube data points. The columns are: In amanda_temp_data.txt: 1) temperature [C] 2) -depth [m] NB you have to subtract 8.6 m from the depth!!! In i3temps.txt: 1) string 2) nearest DOM 3) nearest breakout 4) z coordinate [m] 5) depth [m] 6) temperature [C]For i3temps.txt click here. For amanda_temp_data.txt click here.
The data files where combined into one larger data file with this python script. It just subtracts the 8.6 meters as mentioned by Kurt.
A cubic polynomial was fit to the above data with gnuplot. The equation is as follows:
f(x)=a*x^3+b*x^2+c*x+d Where a,b,c,d = a = 1.83415e-09 b = -1.59061e-08 c = 0.00267687 d = -51.0696Here is the fit plotted on top of the actual data: