Simulation Reconstruction Study for Data Filtering --- Page 1


Data analyzed in this page is from AMASIM Simulation page, data locations are
/data/sim/IceCube/2006/amasim/IC16/nu/ama_calib (nusim 1509 events)

/data/sim/IceCube/2006/amasim/IC16/ama_calib (dcorsika 2974 events)
NOT normalized.

Basic event information (Black--dCORSIKA, Red-NUSIM)

LE Time distribution is strange for nu_e anis events

Relevant Parameters For cleanhits module

cleanhits package include three modules "Cleanhits", "IsolatedHits" and "Coincify".
We will decide parameters for each module.



    * "Minimum Time" = 16500 ns
    * "Maximum Time" = 25500 ns
    * "Minimum TOT"  = NA
    * "Maximum TOT"  = NA
    * "Minimum Amplitude" = NA
    * "Maximum Amplitude" = NA

MuonDAQ times shown in the middle and the left plots suggests the "Minimum Time" and "Maximum Time" for this study.
By "eye", our default cut values are decided to be "Minimum Time"=16500ns and "Maximum Time"=25500ns which excludes most of noise hits but still include most of signal hits. Other values, you can find from Hagar's page, there is no specific parameter to distiunguish signal noise, thus we use, * "Minimum TOT"=NAN, * "Maximum TOT"=NAN, * "Minimum Amplitude"=NAN, * "Maximum Amplitude"=NAN,

Hit "position" and "time" distributions(dCORSIKA)

Hit "positions" and "time" distributions(NUSIM)

Hit "positions" and "time" distributions(Anis neu_electron at E = 1e9 GeV)



    *  "Isolation Time"     = 600m
    *  "Isolation Distance" = 2000ns

As shown in the plots below, the distribution doesn't indicate specific signal peak. Assuming the simulated events are already clean, we cut on relatively large values to remove electric noises, i.e., "Isolation Time"=600m and "Isolation Distance"=2000ns

Hit isolation "distance" distributions(dCORSIKA)

Hit isolation "time" distributions(dCORSIKA)

Hit isolation "distance" distributions(NUSIM)

Hit isolation "time" distributions(NUSIM)



    *  "Coincidence Window" = 800 ns
    *  "Coincidence Neighbors" = 1)Neighbor only / 2) Neighbor and Next-to-neighbor

These parameters are fixed from the hardware side, likely to be "Coincidence Window"=800ns and both "Coincidence Neighbors"="neighbor only" AND "CoincidenceNeighbors"="up to next-to-neighbor".