Muon LLH Reco with simple-seed

Run Configuration

Steering macro can be found sss_simple_muon_llh.C

Input event generator is simple-muon which generated the muons with

Note: To reduce any unknown effect, configuration was made as simple as possible.
In this trial, mmc and noise generator were not used.
muon-llh is quite sensitive to the positions of random noises.


2000 muons are simulated, 1316 events are reconstructed.
I couldn't see the event properties which fail to be reconstructed.
Reconstructions are very much dependent on seeds
x,y,z,t seeds are averages of hit position/time.
azimuth seeds are randomly taken from between (0.85~0.95)*pi and (1.05~1.15)*pi
zenith seeds are randomly taken from (0.6~0.7)*pi and (0.8~0.9)*pi
Many are reconstructed as the opposite directions, time information is not properly applied?
Conlusion: We could see anyway the correlation between MC truth and reconstructed track !

Azimuth MC vs Reconstructed Comparison
upper line f(x) = x
middle line f(x) = x - pi
lower line f(x) = x - 2*pi
The points near the upper and lower lines are correctly reconstructed, the points near the middle line point to the opposite direction.

Azimuth MC - Reconstructed Difference

Azimuth MC vs Reconstructed Comparison
upper line f(x) = 2*pi - x
lower line f(x) = x
The points near the lower line are correctly reconstructed, the points near the upper lines are reconstructed with opposite cos(theta) signs for some reason.

Zenith MC - Reconstructed Difference