
Operator Return Values

Simple Assignment: =

Unary Plus and Minus: + and -

Addition and Subtraction: + and -"

Multiplication and Division: * and /

Remainder: %

Prefix Increment and Prefix Decrement: ++ and --

Postfix Increment and Postfix Decrement: ++ and --

Parentheses: ( and )

Logical OR: ||

Logical AND: &&

Equality and Inequality: == and !=

Aritmetic Relations: >, <, >= and <=

Logical NOT: !

Bitwise OR: |

Bitwise AND: &

Bitwise XOR: ^

Left Shift and Right Shift: << and >>

Bitwise NOT: ~

Shift/Bitwise Operator types

Operator assignment: +=, -=, *=, /=, %=, <<=, >>=, &=, ^=, |=

Variable/datatype size: sizeof

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