2006 AMANDA Point Source Analysis

Data and Simulation
Event Selection
Methodology, Sensitivity & Discovery Potential
Unblinding Proposal
Questions and Answers

2005-2006 Combined Results

Sensitivity and Discovery Potential (90% confidence)

Full Sky Search

11431 events are shown (1808 events >100o zenith) from the 2005-2006 dataset.

The likelihood ratio is evaluated on a 0.25ox0.25o grid ranging from -5o<δ<82.5o. At each point the significance is calculated, resulting in the following map:

The maximum significance obtained is 3.82σ near 11.42h, +53.75o.

Search Based on a List of Candidate Sources

The method is applied to the locations of potential sources in the IC-9 point source catalog and the obtained limits (E2Φ < μ90*10-11 TeV cm-2s-1) and p-values (probability the result is due to background alone) are summarized in the table below.

ObjectRAoZenitho P-valueμ90
MGRO J2019+37 304.830 126.83 0.065 12.83
Cyg OB2 308.290 131.32 0.040 13.17
Mrk 421 166.110 128.21 1.000 5.71
Mrk 501 253.470 129.76 0.228 8.83
1ES 1959+650 300.000 155.15 0.233 11.76
1ES 2344+514 356.770 141.71 0.405 7.31
H 1426+428 217.140 132.68 1.000 6.49
BL Lac (QSO B2200+420) 330.680 132.28 1.000 4.89
3C66A 35.670 133.04 1.000 4.16
3C 454.3 343.490 106.15 0.433 6.84
4C 38.41 248.820 128.14 1.000 2.64
PKS 0528+134 82.740 103.53 0.468 6.33
3C 273 187.280 92.05 0.179 10.27
M87 187.710 102.39 1.000 3.28
NGC 1275 (Perseus A) 49.950 131.51 0.106 10.98
Cyg A 299.870 130.73 0.063 12.20
SS 433 287.960 94.98 0.192 9.48
Cyg X-3 308.110 130.96 0.033 13.37
Cyg X-1 299.590 125.20 1.000 3.79
LS I +61 303 40.130 151.23 1.000 4.21
GRS 1915+105 288.800 100.95 0.031 14.12
XTE J1118+480 169.550 138.04 0.079 12.45
GRO J0422+32 65.430 122.91 1.000 3.80
Geminga 98.480 107.77 0.345 8.15
Crab Nebula 83.630 112.01 0.438 6.67
Cas A 350.850 148.82 1.000 3.44