Digital Optical Module Hit Rates
The hit rates of the IceCube DOMs can be extracted from pDAQ monitoring data. These are then stored in a database (I3OmDb) for use in simulation and for various likelihood reconstructions.
The relevant pDAQ log files are currently stored in the data warehouse here:
A Python script which extracts the hit rates from the log
directory (after untarring everything) is
You will also need the DOM nicknames file: nicknames.txt
Here are some pre-extracted median rate files from recent configurations:
- Run 118850 (2011-11-01), 2011 physics configuration, 5394 DOMS
- Run 120030 (2012-04-27), 2012 physics configuration (test run), 5400 DOMS
- Run 122205 (2013-04-18), 2013 physics configuration (test run), 5406 DOMS
- Run 124387 (2014-03-18), 2014 physics configuration (test run), 5404 DOMS
- Run 126172 (2015-03-19), 2015 physics configuration (test run), 5404 DOMs (text or JSON)
- Run 127951 (2016-05-20), 2016 physics configuration, 5409 DOMs (text or JSON)
- Run 129311 (2017-03-21), 2017 physics configuration, 5409 DOMs (text or JSON)
- Run 130867 (2018-03-30), 2018 physics configuration, 5411 DOMs (JSON)
- Run 132647 (2019-06-04), 2019 physics configuration, 5408 DOMs (JSON)
- Run 133916 (2020-04-02), 2020 physics configuration, 5408 DOMs (JSON)
- Run 135176 (2021-04-09), 2021 physics configuration, 5408 DOMs (JSON)
- Run 136738 (2022-06-15), 2022 physics configuration, 5406 DOMs (JSON, w/DM-Ice)
- Run 138026 (2023-06-08), 2023 physics configuration, 5410 DOMs including DM-Ice (JSON)