IceTop 2003-04 Deployment

General Information

Nobuyoshi Kitamura has collected a lot of information here regarding the IceTop development at UW-Madison.

Bartol's page of 2003-04 deployment information is here.

Deployment Preparation

This is my list for the December 2003 IceTop pole shipment from UW (completed).

The JTAG programming cables for use with the second penetrators are housed in an access pipe sticking up from the snow. The pipes are shown in this diagram (pdf , 40K).

South Pole Deployment

Four Rev2.0 DOMs were deployed at the pole in January 2004 in two IceTop tanks, Tank 09 and Tank 10. The DOMs are controlled via a PC ("icetop-dh") located in the SPASE building and can currently take data using a Python-based DAQ. The DOMs are synchronized to UTC using RapCal time calibration and the SPASE TrueTime GPS with Kalle Sulanke's custom clock distribution box.

Photos of the tanks, DOMs, etc.

High-resolution photo of deployed DOM (JPEG, 1MB)

I have written a brief user's guide which describes the hardware setup at the pole, safe bringup procedures, and how to use the Python acquisition software. It also contains diagrams showing the IDs and placement of each of the four DOMs, as well as the local coincidence wiring (currently unsupported in firmware).

IceTop DOM User's Guide (pdf, 90K)