Droop and Related Measurements at Low Temperature

04/13/2005    N. Kitamura

I am just compiling data that other people have taken.  Thanks Andy, Kael, and Chris!

Kael's report on DOM droop measurement.  The response of the DOM to a square light pulse (1 usec wide), as seen by the FADC and the ATWD ch0, at +25C and -45C.  Below is the FADC data taken from his report.

+25C -45C

Andy Laundrie's Measurement of toroid response at +20C and -45C.

Frequency Response 1 (30kHz - 30MHz).  The low frequency cut-off goes up by a factor of ~4 as the temperature is lowered from RT to -45C.  Since the coupling is mainly magnetic at low frequencies, the decreasing permeability of the toroidal core with temperature can explain the result.


Frequency Response 2 (3MHz - 300MHz)The high-frequency response does not depend on temperature, because the dominant factor is the capacitive coupling of the bifilar winding.


The Response of the Toroid to a 1 usec-wide Square Pulse shows a marked droop at low temperature, as expected from the increased low-frequency cut-off.

Old Measurements (September 2003) did not catch the droop at low temperature, because the test pulse was only 30nsec wide.  Only a slight (~6%) decline in the amplitude response as the temperature was decreased from RT to -30C was reported.  See the link below for more.



Can We Blame the Toroid for All?

This is redundant, because Andy's response measurement says enough.  Anyhow...

Let's model Andy's frequency response #1 as

w0 / 2pi = 120 kHz

It's frequency response looks like:

It's response to a square pulse (width T):



T = 1 usec

In time domain,

This demonstrates that the toroid's low-frequency response alone causes as much as 50% of droop at the end of the 1 usec pulse.