DOM communication scripts

Kael's DTSX and XYMODEM (updated Jun 13, 2004)

You should put these into /usr/local/hutil
Create the directory, put hutil.tar into it, and then "tar xvf hutil.tar"
Feel free to do a "make all"
YOU SHOULD PUT /usr/local/hutil into your PATH
Click here to download hutil.tar

Sample Python Scripts

You need to install PyDOM in order to use the Python Scripts.
PyDOM is available at
After you download the rpm then execute "rpm -i filename"

The following scripts should be installed into /usr/local/python
Create the directory, put python.tar into it, and then "tar xvf python.tar"
YOU SHOULD PUT /usr/local/python into your PATH
Click here to download python.tar

further instructions and examples

To add these directories to your PATH, then in .bashrc:
or, if you are using c-shell, then for .cshrc:
setenv PATH ${PATH}:/usr/local/hutil:/usr/local/python

If you have added '/usr/local/hutil' and '/usr/local/python' to your PATH, then the simplest way to monitor the pressure (assuming you are using card 0, wire pair 0) is to:
1) enter command "on all" (to turn on the DOMs)
2) type command "DOM" (to start the communications)
3) type command "A" or "B" depending if you want to test a DOM of type A or type B. (to run the test script "A" or "B")
4) Control-C (to stop the script)
5) enter command "off all" (to turn off the DOMs)

If you want to use the programs for more serious testing you can do:
Note, the principle is to start the communcications first, then run the python scripts. A limited number of "dtsx" scripts can be found in /usr/local/python. Otherwise use the optional arguments which are part of the dtsx program.

to start communications
dtsx00                   # to start dtsx for DOR card 0, wire pair 0, both DOM A and dom B (same as command "DOM" above) dtsxall                   # to start dtsx for 32 DOMs on 8 DOR cards (4 DOMs per DOR card)
to run test scripts 0 1 B           # to test DOR card 0, wire pair 1, dom B 0 0 a       # to test DOR card 0, wire pair 0, dom A (same as command "A" above)
Note following command uses the high voltage: 0 0 0           # to test the rate for DOR card 0, wire pair 0, dom A, over a range of discriminator values

additional instructions

remember to kill dtsx when you are done (and turn off the DOMs as well).
for example, "killall dtsx", then "off all"

note, if you don't stop dtsx, other programs which communicate with the DOM may not work.