Flasher Board Measurements

Flasher Board Measurements

Flasher Board Current Pulse Measurement (the first one)
Flasher Board Current Pulse Measurement, more pulses, trying to see entire pulse, and failing
Flasher Board Current Pulse Measurement, modifying setv
Flasher Board Current Pulse Measurement after the termination resistor was changed
Flasher Board Current Pulse Measurement after the ramp rate control setting was changed
Flasher Board Current Pulse Measurement including scope shots
Flasher Board Current Pulse Measurement after Mux output fix

Flasher Board LED movie

100 Flasher Board current pulses plotted on top of one another

ATWD comparison with scope - the ATWD pulse has undergone inversions of both the time and the y axes.

08/23/2004: Flasher Board data in the chest freezer - a rev 4 DOM started flashing about 30 seconds after the run started - two rev 5 DOMs accumulated testdaq data for about 7 minutes. The flasher board pulses are clearly visible. File is 27 Meg.

DFL rates when 6 rev4 DOMs are flashing and when no rev4 DOMs are flashing. Rev 5 doms are all hooded. Rates for 90 rev5 doms are shown.