.. IceCube DNN reconstruction .. _getting_started: Getting Started *************** In this tutorial we will learn how to: * :ref:`Create training data from IceCube i3 files<create_training_data>` * :ref:`Train our neural network model<train_model>` * :ref:`Monitor the training progress<monitor_progress>` * :ref:`Export and apply our trained model to IceCube i3 files<apply_model>` We will use NuMu NuGen files (first 1010 files of dataset 11883) to train a deep convolutional neural network that will predict the energy of the muon as it enters the convex hull around the IceCube detector. :ref:`Let's get started!<general_remarks>` .. image:: figures/scatter_PrimaryMuonEnergyEntry_compare_BINS.png :width: 49 % .. image:: figures/scatter_PrimaryMuonEnergyEntry_compare_DOMS.png :width: 49 % .. image:: figures/scatter_PrimaryMuonEnergyEntry_compare_MuEx.png :width: 49 % .. image:: figures/scatter_PrimaryMuonEnergyEntry_compare_DNN.png :width: 49 % .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :hidden: getting_started/00_general_remarks getting_started/01_create_training_data getting_started/02_train_model getting_started/03_monitor_progress getting_started/04_apply_model