Simulation Reconstruction Study for Data Filtering

Comments/suggestions are appreciated!

Purpose of this page:

* To find out filtering parameters for coming year (~10 strings).
* Parameters which distinguish upgoing neutrino induced events from downgoing atmospheric background muon events.

Current Macro (as of 10/10/05): Macro

Work Environment (as of 10/11/05): Setting

IceSim based FirstGuess Module (Incl. FeatureExtractor) Performances: Go to Performance Page

With IceSim I've got to have different setting which is as of 10/11/05: Setting with IceRec and IceSim

Plus with the setting above macro doesn't work please use as of 10/11/05: this macro

Currently FE, LineFit, DipoleFit and CFirst are included.
1. Under construction but speed profile of each modules per events will be shown
2. Under construction but FeatureExtractor parameter study and speed

Data Sample Study: Go to Data Sample Page

1. 16 icetray MC sample information (NUSIM events and dCORSIKA background events)
2. hit distributions (NUSIM events and dCORSIKA background events)

Filtering Parameters: Go to FirstGuess results

3. Reconstruction results with first-guess methods (dipole, linefit and cfirst)
Analysis is done with IceRec current release (as of Aug14) V01-02-00.

Link to Hagar's Page