I am a Professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy of Uppsala University. My main research interests lie within Particle Physics and Particle Astrophysics. I am a member of the IceCube collaboration, an international group of researches operating the largest neutrino telescope in the world, and of the PTOLEMY collaboration, a fascinating and devishly difficult effort to detect the relic neutrinos that permeate the Universe from about one second after the big bang. The extremely low cross section of neutrinos with matter makes such measurement really challenging. But not impossible, and this is what PTOLEMY is trying to achieve.
Within IceCube, I am interested in the search for physics beyond the Standard Model, including dark matter, new particle searches and tests of fundamental physical laws with neutrinos. I am the co-lead of the Beyond the Standard Model working group of the IceCube collaboration. I was the Swedish contact and member of the management committee of the COST action "Quantum gravity phenomenology in the multi-messenger approach", where I was also the co-lead of the Neutrino Working Group.
Below you can find a list of a few chosen publications directly related to my research. A link to the full list can be found further down in this page:
-Cosmic Searches for Lorentz Invariance Violation (Chapter 6 in Modified and Quantum Gravity, C. Pfeifer and C Lämmerzahl, editors. Lecture Notes in Physics volume 1017, 2023. Also in arxiv:2209.06531)
-Quantum Gravity Phenomenology at the Dawn of the Multi-Messenger Era—A Review (in Prog. in Part. and Nucl. Phys., Volume 125, July 2022, 103948. Also in arxiv:2111.05659)
-Search for Relativistic Magnetic Monopoles with Eight Years of IceCube Data (in Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 051101 (2022). Also in arxiv:2109.13719)
-Probing Particle Physics with IceCube (in Eur. Phys. J. C (2018) 78: 924. Also in arxiv:1806.05696)
-Status, Challenges and Directions in Indirect Dark Matter Searches (in Symmetry 2020, 12(10), 1648. Also in arxiv:2008.11561)
-Limits on Kaluza–Klein Dark Matter Annihilation in the Sun from Recent IceCube Results (in Eur. Phys. J. C, 80 2 (2020) 129. Also in arxiv:1912.04585)
-Status of Direct and Indirect Dark Matter Searches (arxiv:2001.06193)
I am also the editor of the book Probing Particle Physics with Neutrino Telescopes edited by World Scientific.
If you read Spanish you can check this popular article about IceCube in Investigación y Ciencia, the Spanish version of Scientific American, IceCube: Astrofísica desde el Hielo, and this other one about magnetic monopoles which was also written for Investigación y Ciencia, La Insoportable Ausencia de Monopolos Magneticos
All my publications from the INSPIRES database.