at the University of Hawai'i — Manoa
John Kelley, October 2007
This is a non-comprehensive collection of documents, plots, and photos from the IceRay prototype testing and integration at the University of Hawai'i in October 2007. All the real work was performed by Peter Gorham, Gary Varner, Bob Morse, Larry Ruckman, Christian Miki, Patrick Allison, Hagar Landsman, and assuredly several others.
Photos of various components and the test setup can be found here.
All integration tests to this point have passed, with the following notes / caveats:
The following plots show a DAC threshold scan. The difference between the various input configuration and their gains result in the different threshold curves.
Figure 1: Threshold scans for BAT channels (both polarities).
BAT4, BAT5 are unconnected to amplifiers.
Forced-trigger waveforms were also acquired and examined. Waveform analysis is extremely primitive, with no proper pedestal subtraction or time-base correction performed (see figure 2).
Figure 2: Sample waveform (no calibration other than rough baseline subtraction).
Even so, the band-pass characteristics of the filters on the amplifier chains can be seen by coadding the FFTs of the noise, as shown in figure 3.
Figure 3: Frequency spectra of BAT1 and BAT8 channels under
BAT1 surface amplifiers have a pass band of 25-300 MHz, BAT8, 100-400 MHz.
All RFCM and surface amplifier test channels (BAT1-2, and BAT5-8) show the expected bandpass structure. The unconnected BAT3, BAT4 spectra are relatively flat. The 40MHz clock input to BAT9 can be seen clearly in the FFT for that channel in Figure 4:
Figure 4: BAT9 frequency spectrum, showing 40 MHz clock peak.
Here are the scripts used to produce these plots:
The DAQ components consist of a custom iceboot (to interface with the ICRR), driven by a Python script (an extension of Kael's ibidaq library). We have successfully captured ICRR events (noise waveforms digitized by the Labrador ASICs on the ICRR + header information, like scalers and DACs), including a long run of 100K events over 9.5 hours (about 3 Hz). The data readout is not optimized (uncompressed), so the speed could improve there, but we need to add ATWD data and the mainboard header to the events, which will increase the event size.
A mini-HOWTO explaining how to run the proto-DAQ testing software,, can be found here (PDF).
Still to do: