IceTop 2004-05 Deployment

South Pole Deployment

Four IceTop stations (eight tanks, 16 DOMs) were successfully deployed during the 2004-2005 pole season. I have collected some information here regarding the DOM installation and commissioning.

Here are two documents describing the DOM locations in all of the tanks, and a diagram which shows the local coincidence (LC) convention used when connecting the DOMs to the surface junction box (SJB).

Table of IceTop DOM IDs, locations, etc. (pdf, 21K)

Diagram showing LC connections (pdf, 21K)

Here are some photos of DOMs after freeze-in in tanks 101 and 102. The ice in tank 101 is exceptionally clear (note the degassing unit at the bottom of the tank). The ice in tank 102 was notably different from all other tanks, however, with bubbles forming near the top surface of the icem, especially along the surface of the DOM spheres. This is possibly due to an overly fast start to the freezing process.

Photos of DOMs, tanks, etc.

There were a number of issues that arose with the surface cable wiring and connectors during the 2004-05 season. I have written a report with photos documenting those issues and the solutions implemented.

Summary of 2004-05 surface cable issues (pdf, 3.3M)