John Kelley, September 2007
This page describes various tests to determine the optimal electrical parameters to use in AMANDA Monte Carlo simulation, in conjunction with the new AHA ice model. These tests are still in progress; results and conclusions will be added as they are available.
UPDATE, 13 Sept. 2007: Some of the preliminary conclusions on this page were erroneous because of an 30% error in the MC normalization (reweighting problem). This has been fixed and the discussion updated accordingly.
A new AMANDA SPE distribution was circulated by Stephan Hundertmark which featured a narrower SPE peak and larger exponential component, compared to the standard AMANDA SPE distribution. I investigated these properties with lab measurements and using AMANDA monitoring data and found:
Using these findings, I also created a new PE distribution to test. The three PE distributions are shown below:
Figure 1: AMANDA SPE distributions for MC
(LEFT: original OM3 (blue), SH variant OM6 (red); RIGHT: JK dual exponential
variant OM8)
The inverse CDF tables for use with Amasim are here:
The proof is in the pudding, however, so MC simulations with each of these have been performed for comparison with 2005 data. The following parameters were fixed for this test:
Some comparisons with downgoing data are shown below.
Figure 2: Downgoing muon ADC for 2005 data and MC. Left and
center plots are normalized to livetime;
right plot is normalized to data to compare shapes.
Several things are notable about this comparison:
Here we plot the number of OMs hit, along with the weighted event counts:
Figure 3a: Downgoing muon Nchannel data/MC comparison, for different ice and PE distributions.
Figure 3b: Downgoing muon Nchannel data/MC comparison (linear
and log scales).
Left and center plots normalized to livetime; right plot normalized to data.
AHA with the SH PE distribution and old OM sensitivities is the closest to data in normalization: however, the initial negative slope seems to be a bit off. The JK PE distribution is next closest in normalization.
We have also generated AHA dCORSIKA with a spread of OM sensitivities (changing the normalization, not tuning the individual OMs). Some results are shown below. Matching the peak position and low-Nch shape, as well as the normlization, suggests reducing the OM sensitivity. We will also tune the individual OM relative sensitivities with downgoing muons.
Figure 4: Downgoing muon Nchannel data/MC comparison for different
OM sensitivities (linear and log scales).
Left plot normalized to livetime; right plot normalized to data.
A plot of reconstructed zenith angle is shown in figure 5. The shape (and normalization in previous plots) appear most consistent for 85% sensitivity, but no model matches the vertical events well (perhaps tighter cuts are needed).
Figure 5: Downgoing muon reconstructed zenith angle, with a loose smoothness
MC normalized to data for shape comparison.
I have also tried modifying the OM sensitivity and the PE distribution (JK PE with lower OM sensitivity). In this case, a 95% OM sensitivity is closest in normalization. The Nch plot does not seem to indicate a preference over this vs. old PE + 85% sensitivity, but I am continuing to investigate other variables.
Figure 6: 2005 atmospheric muon MC at trigger level, Nch distribution for JK
PE distribution and various OM sensitivities.
The data/MC comparison of TDC indicated an offset in the trigger time in 2005 MC. This is possibly just a units confusion issue, as the correct trigger time for the Amasim steering file is found to be (0.96*10773 [old value] = 10342). 0.96 is the conversion from TDC channels to ns (or vice versa, I'm not sure).
Figure 7: TDC for data/MC at trigger level. Corrected MC has a trigger time
of 10342.