API Reference

Data Handler Class

class dnn_reco.data_handler.DataHandler(config)[source]

Data handler for IceCube simulation data.

The DataHandler class manages the loading of IceCube hdf5 files. It can read DOM data, labels and misc data from while, while also able to filter events.

In addition, the DataHandler manages the meta data of the input data into the network and also provides the placeholder variables for the tensorflow graph.


label_nameslist of str

Names of labels.

label_shapelist of int

Shape of label/y tensor without batch dimension.


If true, misc data exists and is != None.

misc_nameslist of str

Names of misc names. If no misc data exists, this is an empty list.

misc_shapelist of int

Shape of misc data without batch dimension.


Number of bins for each DOM input.


Number of labels.


Number of misc values that will be loaded per event.



test_input_datalist of str

List of files that is used to obtain meta data.

get_batch_generator(input_data, batch_size, sample_randomly=True, pick_random_files_forever=True, file_capacity=1, batch_capacity=5, num_jobs=1, num_add_files=0, num_repetitions=1, init_values=0.0, num_splits=None, nan_fill_value=None, verbose=False, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Get an IceCube data batch generator.

This is a multiprocessing data iterator. There are 3 levels:

  1. A number of ‘num_jobs’ workers load files from the file list into memory and extract the DOM input data, labels, and misc data if defined. The events (input data, labels, misc data) of the loaded file is then queued onto a multiprocessing queue named ‘data_batch_queue’.

  2. Another worker aggregates the events of several files (number of files defined by ‘num_add_files’) together by dequeuing elements from the ‘data_batch_queue’. It then creates batches from these events (randomly if sample_randomly == True ). These batches are then put onto the ‘final_batch_queue’. Elements in the ‘final_batch_queue’ now include ‘batch_size’ many events ( tuples of dom_responses, cascade_parameters).

  3. The third level consists of the actual generator object. It pops elements off of the ‘final_batch_queue’ and yields these as the desired batches of (input data, labels, misc data).


input_datastr or list of str

File name pattern or list of file patterns which define the paths to input data files.


Number of events per batch.

sample_randomlybool, optional

If True, random files and events will be sampled. If False, file list and events will not be shuffled.

Although the order will most likely stay the same, this can not be guaranteed, since batches are queued as soon as the workers finish loading and processing the files.

pick_random_files_foreverbool, optional
If True, random files are sampled from the file list in an infinite


If False, all files will only be loaded once. The ‘num_repetitions’

key defines how many times the events of a file will be used.

file_capacityint, optional

Defines the maximum size of the queue which holds the loaded and processed events of a whole file.

batch_capacityint, optional

Defines the maximum size of the batch queue which holds the batches of size ‘batch_size’. This queue is what is used to obtain the final batches, which the generator yields.

num_jobsint, optional

Number of jobs to run in parallel to load and process input files.

num_add_filesint, optional

Defines how many files are additionally loaded at once. Batches will be generated among events of these (1 + num_add_files) files

num_repetitionsint, optional

Number of times the events in a loaded file are to be used, before new files are loaded.

init_valuesfloat, optional

The x_ic78 array will be initialized with these values via: np.zeros_like(x_ic78) * np.array(init_values)

num_splitsint, optional

If num_splits is given, the loaded file will be divided into num_splits chunks of about equal size. This can be useful when the input files contain a lot of events, since the multiprocessing queue can not handle elements of arbitrary size.

nan_fill_valuefloat, optional

Fill value for nan values in loaded data. Entries with nan values will be replaced by this value. If None, no replacement will be performed.

verbosebool, optional

If True, verbose output with additional information on queues.


Variable length argument list.


Arbitrary keyword arguments.



A generator object which yields batches of: np.ndarry, np.ndarray

dom_responses: [batch_size, x_dim, y_dim, z_dim, num_bins] cascade_parameters: [batch_size, num_cascade_parameters]





Get index of a label.



Name of label.





Get index of a misc variable.



Name of misc variable.





Kill Multiprocessing queues and workers

read_icecube_data(input_data, nan_fill_value=None, init_values=0.0, verbose=False)[source]

Read IceCube hdf5 data files



Path to input data file.

nan_fill_valuefloat, optional

Fill value for nan values in loaded data. Entries with nan values will be replaced by this value. If None, no replacement will be performed.

init_valuesfloat, optional

The x_ic78 array will be initialized with these values via: np.zeros_like(x_ic78) * np.array(init_values)

verbosebool, optional

Print out additional information on runtimes for loading and processing of files.



DOM input data of main IceCube array. shape: [batch_size, 10, 10, 60, num_bins]


DOM input data of DeepCore array. shape: [batch_size, 8, 60, num_bins]


Labels. shape: [batch_size] + label_shape


Misc variables. shape: [batch_size] + misc_shape





Setup the datahandler with settings from a yaml configuration file.



The path to the configuration file





Setup the datahandler with a test input file.


test_input_datastr or list of str

File name pattern or list of file patterns which define the paths to input data files. The first of the specified files will be read in to obtain meta data.

Data Transformation Class ========================- .. automodule:: dnn_reco.data_trafo


IceCube Detector Specifics

IceCube detector constants such as the DOM positions are hardcoded here.

dnn_reco.detector.get_dom_coords(string, dom)[source]

Get Coordinates of a DOM specified by the string and dom number.



String number (between 1 and 86)


DOM number (between 1 and 60)


tuple(float, float, float)

The x, y, z coordinates of the DOM.

Miscellaneous Module


dynamically load a class from a string



The full class string to the given python clas. Example:



python class

PYthon class defined by the ‘full_class_string’


Print Warning in yellow color.



String to print.

Main NN Model class

class dnn_reco.model.NNModel(is_training, config, data_handler, data_transformer, sess=None)[source]

Base class for neural network architecture



Dictionary containing all settings as read in from config file.

data_handler:obj: of class DataHandler

An instance of the DataHandler class. The object is used to obtain meta data.

data_transformer:obj: of class DataTransformer

An instance of the DataTransformer class. The object is used to transform data.


True if model is in training mode, false if in inference mode.


A tensorflow saver used to save and load model weights.


A dictionary containing settings and objects that are shared and passed on to sub modules.


Count number of trainable parameters


var_listlist of tf.Tensors, optional

A list of tensorflow tensors for which to calculate the number of trainable parameters. If None, then all trainable parameters available will be counted.



Number of trainable parameters

fit(num_training_iterations, train_data_generator, val_data_generator, evaluation_methods=None, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Trains the NN model with the data provided by the data iterators.



The number of training iterations to perform.

train_data_generatorgenerator object

A python generator object which generates batches of training data.

val_data_generatorgenerator object

A python generator object which generates batches of validation data.

evaluation_methodsNone, optional



Variable length argument list.


Arbitrary keyword arguments.




predict(x_ic78, x_deepcore, transformed=False, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Reconstruct events.


x_ic78float, list or numpy.ndarray

The input data for the main IceCube array.

x_deepcorefloat, list or numpy.ndarray

The input data for the DeepCore array.

transformedbool, optional

If true, the normalized and transformed values are returned.


Variable length argument list.


Arbitrary keyword arguments.


np.ndarray, np.ndarray

The prediction and estimated uncertainties

predict_batched(x_ic78, x_deepcore, max_size, transformed=False, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Reconstruct events in multiple batches.


x_ic78float, list or numpy.ndarray

The input data for the main IceCube array.

x_deepcorefloat, list or numpy.ndarray

The input data for the DeepCore array.

transformedbool, optional

If true, the normalized and transformed values are returned.

max_sizeint, optional

The maximum number of events to predict at once in a batch.


Variable length argument list.


Arbitrary keyword arguments.


np.ndarray, np.ndarray

The prediction and estimated uncertainties


Restore model weights from checkpoints

Setup Manager

class dnn_reco.setup_manager.SetupManager(config_files)[source]

Setup Manager for DNN reco project

Handles loading and merging of yaml config files, sets up directories.

Config Keys

Automatically created settings


An automatically created config name. Base names of yaml config files are concatenated with ‘__’. This can be used to create subdirectories for logging and checkpoints.

General settings


Path to test data file.


Path to training data file.


Path to validation data file.


Relevant for IceCubeDataHandler Defines number of workers (background processes) which load data.


Relevant for IceCubeDataHandler Defines size of queue which stores events of loaded files.


Relevant for IceCubeDataHandler Defines size of final batch queue. This queue is directly used by the data iteratotor to yield batches of data.


Relevant for IceCubeDataHandler Defines number of files from which the batches are generated.


Relevant for IceCubeDataHandler Defines how many times events of the loaded files are used before new files are loaded.

dom_response_shapelist of int

The shape of the DOM response tensor excluding the batch dimension. E.g.: [x_dim, y_dim, z_dim, num_bins]

DOM_init_values: float or array-like

The x_ic78 and deepcore array will be initialized with these values via: np.zeros_like(x_ic78) * np.array(init_values)


The batch size which will be used by the data generators.


Path to the directory in which the logs are to be stored.

General Training settings


Number of training iterations to perform.


Defines the interval at which validation results should be calculated and logged.


Defines the interval at which the model parameters will be stored to file.


If true, a global count of training iterations is performed. The amount of previous training iterations is inferred from the latest checkpoint file. If false, counting of training iterations will start at zero.

keep_probability_listlist of float

A list of keep probabilities for dropout layers. A tensorflow placeholder is created for each float given in this list. These placeholders can then be used in the generator or discriminator networks by defining the index of the correct keep probability. During training these placeholders will be set to the values as defined in ‘keep_probability_list’. During testing and validation these will be set to 1.0, e.g. no dropout is applied.

hypothesis_smearingNone or list of float

Smearing to be used for cascade hypothesis during training. ‘hypothesis_smearing’ is a list of floats with the length equal to the number of cascade parameters. The ith value in ‘smearing’ resembles the std deviation of the gaussian that will be added as a smearing. Cascade Parameters: x, y, z, zenith, azimuth, energy, t If smearing is None, no smearing will be applied.

Trafo settings


Path to trafo model file.


Path to trafo data file.


If true, the transformation model will be loaded from file. If false, a new transorfmation model will be created from the data

specified by the ‘trafo_data’ key.

If true, the transformation model will be saved to the file

specified by the ‘trafo_model_path’ key. Note: This will overwrite the file!


If true, data will be normalized to have a mean of 0 and a variance of 1.

trafo_log_binsbool, list of bool

The natural logarithm is applied to the hits prior to normalization. If a list is given, the length of the list must match the number of bins ‘num_bins’. The logarithm is applied to bin i if the ith entry of the log_bins list is True.

trafo_log_energybool, list of bool

The natural logarithm is applied to the cascade energy.


All DOMs are treated equally, e.g. the mean and variance is calculated over all DOMs and not individually.


A small constant that is added to the denominator during normalization to ensure finite values.

NN Model Architecture


Name of python file in dnn_reco/modules/model/ directory in which the generator is defined.


Name of function in the ‘generator_model_file’ that is used to define the generator.

NN Model Training


Path to directory in which the generator checkpoints are stored.


If true, generator parameters are restored from file. If false, generator parameters are randomly initialized.

If true, the generator parameters are saved to file.

Note: This will overwrite possible existing files.

If true, the generator will be trained in a perform_training call

if it has trainable parameters.


Name of python file in dnn_reco/modules/loss/ directory in which the loss function for the generator optimizer is defined.


Name of function in the ‘generator_loss_file’ that is used to define the loss function for the generator optimizer.


Name of the tensorflow optimizer to use for the generator training.


Settings for the chosen generator optimizer.



Dictionary with defined settings.


Dictionary with additional objects that are available in all modules. Keys:

‘data_transformer’ : DataTransformer object used to transform data. ‘keep_prob_list’ : Tensorflow placeholders for keep probabilities

for dropout layers


Returns config



Dictionary with defined settings.

Utilities Module

Version Control

Loss Functions

All defined models must have the following signature:


Dictionary containing all settings as read in from config file.

data_handler:obj: of class DataHandler

An instance of the DataHandler class. The object is used to obtain meta data.

data_transformer:obj: of class DataTransformer

An instance of the DataTransformer class. The object is used to transform data.


A dictionary containing settings and objects that are shared and passed on to sub modules.


Variable length argument list.


Arbitrary keyword arguments.


A tensorflow tensor containing the loss for each label. A weighted sum with weights as defined in the config will be performed over these loss terms to obtain a scalar loss. Shape: label_shape (same shape as labels)

dnn_reco.modules.loss.default_loss.abs(config, data_handler, data_transformer, shared_objects, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Absolute error of transformed prediction and true values.



Dictionary containing all settings as read in from config file.

data_handler:obj: of class DataHandler

An instance of the DataHandler class. The object is used to obtain meta data.

data_transformer:obj: of class DataTransformer

An instance of the DataTransformer class. The object is used to transform data.


A dictionary containing settings and objects that are shared and passed on to sub modules.


Variable length argument list.


Arbitrary keyword arguments.



A tensorflow tensor containing the loss for each label. Shape: label_shape (same shape as labels)

dnn_reco.modules.loss.default_loss.gaussian_likelihood(config, data_handler, data_transformer, shared_objects, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Gaussian likelhood of transformed prediction and true values.



Dictionary containing all settings as read in from config file.

data_handler:obj: of class DataHandler

An instance of the DataHandler class. The object is used to obtain meta data.

data_transformer:obj: of class DataTransformer

An instance of the DataTransformer class. The object is used to transform data.


A dictionary containing settings and objects that are shared and passed on to sub modules.


Variable length argument list.


Arbitrary keyword arguments.



A tensorflow tensor containing the loss for each label. Shape: label_shape (same shape as labels)

dnn_reco.modules.loss.default_loss.mse(config, data_handler, data_transformer, shared_objects, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Mean squared error of transformed prediction and true values.



Dictionary containing all settings as read in from config file.

data_handler:obj: of class DataHandler

An instance of the DataHandler class. The object is used to obtain meta data.

data_transformer:obj: of class DataTransformer

An instance of the DataTransformer class. The object is used to transform data.


A dictionary containing settings and objects that are shared and passed on to sub modules.


Variable length argument list.


Arbitrary keyword arguments.



A tensorflow tensor containing the loss for each label. Shape: label_shape (same shape as labels)

dnn_reco.modules.loss.default_loss.mse_and_cross_entropy(config, data_handler, data_transformer, shared_objects, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Mean squared error of transformed prediction and true values. Cross entropy loss will be applied to labels for which logit tensors are defined in shared_objects[logit_tensors]. These logit tensors must be added to the shared_objects during building of the NN model. This is necessary since using the logits directly is more numerically stable than reverting the sigmoid function on the output of the model.



Dictionary containing all settings as read in from config file.

data_handler:obj: of class DataHandler

An instance of the DataHandler class. The object is used to obtain meta data.

data_transformer:obj: of class DataTransformer

An instance of the DataTransformer class. The object is used to transform data.


A dictionary containing settings and objects that are shared and passed on to sub modules.


Variable length argument list.


Arbitrary keyword arguments.



A tensorflow tensor containing the loss for each label. Shape: label_shape (same shape as labels)

dnn_reco.modules.loss.default_loss.mse_and_weighted_cross_entropy(config, data_handler, data_transformer, shared_objects, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Mean squared error of transformed prediction and true values. Weighted cross entroy loss will be applied to labels for which logit tensors are defined in shared_objects[logit_tensors]. These logit tensors must be added to the shared_objects during building of the NN model. This is necessary since using the logits directly is more numerically stable than reverting the sigmoid function on the output of the model.

Events will be weighted according to how many signal events [pid value == 1] have a lower classification score. This aims to ignore abundant background events in a highly imbalanced classification task. Generally we only care about correctly modeling the signal region near 1. Hence, here we downweight the background region which is defined to be at smaller classification scores than the signal events.



Dictionary containing all settings as read in from config file.

data_handler:obj: of class DataHandler

An instance of the DataHandler class. The object is used to obtain meta data.

data_transformer:obj: of class DataTransformer

An instance of the DataTransformer class. The object is used to transform data.


A dictionary containing settings and objects that are shared and passed on to sub modules.


Variable length argument list.


Arbitrary keyword arguments.



A tensorflow tensor containing the loss for each label. Shape: label_shape (same shape as labels)

dnn_reco.modules.loss.default_loss.opening_angle(config, data_handler, data_transformer, shared_objects, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Error of opening angle between true and predicted angle.

The MSE of the opening angle will be predicted as uncertainty. This loss only applies to label_azimuth_key and label_zenith_key!



Dictionary containing all settings as read in from config file.

data_handler:obj: of class DataHandler

An instance of the DataHandler class. The object is used to obtain meta data.

data_transformer:obj: of class DataTransformer

An instance of the DataTransformer class. The object is used to transform data.


A dictionary containing settings and objects that are shared and passed on to sub modules.


Variable length argument list.


Arbitrary keyword arguments.



A tensorflow tensor containing the loss for each label. Shape: label_shape (same shape as labels)

dnn_reco.modules.loss.default_loss.opening_angle_raleigh(config, data_handler, data_transformer, shared_objects, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Raleigh loss of opening angle between true and predicted angle.

This loss only applies to label_azimuth_key and label_zenith_key!



Dictionary containing all settings as read in from config file.

data_handler:obj: of class DataHandler

An instance of the DataHandler class. The object is used to obtain meta data.

data_transformer:obj: of class DataTransformer

An instance of the DataTransformer class. The object is used to transform data.


A dictionary containing settings and objects that are shared and passed on to sub modules.


Variable length argument list.


Arbitrary keyword arguments.



A tensorflow tensor containing the loss for each label. Shape: label_shape (same shape as labels)

dnn_reco.modules.loss.default_loss.pull_distribution_scale(config, data_handler, data_transformer, shared_objects, *args, **kwargs)[source]

This loss penalized the standard deviation of the pull distribution.

This is meant to run for a few steps with very high batch size at the very end of the training procedure of a model in order to correct the scale of the uncertainty estimates such that the pull distribution has a standard deviation of 1.



Dictionary containing all settings as read in from config file.

data_handler:obj: of class DataHandler

An instance of the DataHandler class. The object is used to obtain meta data.

data_transformer:obj: of class DataTransformer

An instance of the DataTransformer class. The object is used to transform data.


A dictionary containing settings and objects that are shared and passed on to sub modules.


Variable length argument list.


Arbitrary keyword arguments.



A tensorflow tensor containing the loss for each label. Shape: label_shape (same shape as labels)

dnn_reco.modules.loss.default_loss.tukey(config, data_handler, data_transformer, shared_objects, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Tukey loss of transformed prediction and true values. A robust loss measure that is equivalent to MSE for small residuals, but has constant loss for very large residuals. This reduces the effect of outliers.

From Paper: ‘Robust Optimization for Deep Regression’



Dictionary containing all settings as read in from config file.

data_handler:obj: of class DataHandler

An instance of the DataHandler class. The object is used to obtain meta data.

data_transformer:obj: of class DataTransformer

An instance of the DataTransformer class. The object is used to transform data.


A dictionary containing settings and objects that are shared and passed on to sub modules.


Variable length argument list.


Arbitrary keyword arguments.



A tensorflow tensor containing the loss for each label. Shape: label_shape (same shape as labels)

dnn_reco.modules.loss.default_loss.weighted_mse(config, data_handler, data_transformer, shared_objects, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Weighted mean squared error of transformed prediction and true values.

The MSE is weighted by the per event uncertainty estimate.



Dictionary containing all settings as read in from config file.

data_handler:obj: of class DataHandler

An instance of the DataHandler class. The object is used to obtain meta data.

data_transformer:obj: of class DataTransformer

An instance of the DataTransformer class. The object is used to transform data.


A dictionary containing settings and objects that are shared and passed on to sub modules.


Variable length argument list.


Arbitrary keyword arguments.



A tensorflow tensor containing the loss for each label. Shape: label_shape (same shape as labels)

This file contains commonly used utility functions to compute loss.

dnn_reco.modules.loss.utils.loss_utils.add_logging_info(data_handler, shared_objects)[source]

Add some TensorBoard logging info for the labels.

Adds Tf.summary.scalars of the RMSE for each label.


data_handler:obj: of class DataHandler

An instance of the DataHandler class. The object is used to obtain meta data.


A dictionary containing settings and objects that are shared and passed on to sub modules.

dnn_reco.modules.loss.utils.loss_utils.correct_azimuth_residual(y_diff_trafo, config, data_handler, data_transformer, name_pattern)[source]

Correct azimuth residuals for two pi periodicity.



The residuals between the transformed prediction and true values.


Dictionary containing all settings as read in from config file.

data_handler:obj: of class DataHandler

An instance of the DataHandler class. The object is used to obtain meta data.

data_transformer:obj: of class DataTransformer

An instance of the DataTransformer class. The object is used to transform data.


A name pattern specifying the labels that should be corrected.



The residual tensor with corrected azimuth residual. Same shape and type as y_diff_trafo

dnn_reco.modules.loss.utils.loss_utils.get_y_diff_trafo(config, data_handler, data_transformer, shared_objects)[source]

Get corrected transformed residuals.



Dictionary containing all settings as read in from config file.

data_handler:obj: of class DataHandler

An instance of the DataHandler class. The object is used to obtain meta data.

data_transformer:obj: of class DataTransformer

An instance of the DataTransformer class. The object is used to transform data.


A dictionary containing settings and objects that are shared and passed on to sub modules.



A tensorflow tensor containing the loss for each label. Shape: label_shape (same shape as labels)

Evaluation Functions

All defined evaluation functions must have the following signature:


The feed_dict used to feed tensorflow placeholder for the evaluation on training data.


The feed_dict used to feed tensorflow placeholder for the evaluation on validation data.


A dictionary with the results of the tensorflow operations for the training data.


A dictionary with the results of the tensorflow operations for the validation data.


Dictionary containing all settings as read in from config file.

data_handler:obj: of class DataHandler

An instance of the DataHandler class. The object is used to obtain meta data.

data_transformer:obj: of class DataTransformer

An instance of the DataTransformer class. The object is used to transform data.


A dictionary containing settings and objects that are shared and passed on to sub modules.


Variable length argument list.


Arbitrary keyword arguments.

dnn_reco.modules.evaluation.default_evaluation.eval_direction(feed_dict_train, feed_dict_val, results_train, results_val, config, data_handler, data_transformer, shared_objects, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Evaluation method to compute angular resolution.



The feed_dict used to feed tensorflow placeholder for the evaluation on training data.


The feed_dict used to feed tensorflow placeholder for the evaluation on validation data.


A dictionary with the results of the tensorflow operations for the training data.


A dictionary with the results of the tensorflow operations for the validation data.


Dictionary containing all settings as read in from config file.

data_handler:obj: of class DataHandler

An instance of the DataHandler class. The object is used to obtain meta data.

data_transformer:obj: of class DataTransformer

An instance of the DataTransformer class. The object is used to transform data.


A dictionary containing settings and objects that are shared and passed on to sub modules.


Variable length argument list.


Arbitrary keyword arguments.

Label Data Loading

All label functions must have the following parameters and return values:


Path to input data file.


Dictionary containing all settings as read in from config file. Label function specific settings can be passed via the config file.

label_namesNone, optional

The names of the labels. This defines which labels to include as well as the ordering. If label_names is None (e.g. first call to initiate name list), then a list of label names needs to be created and returned.


Variable length argument list.


Arbitrary keyword arguments.


The numpy array containing the labels. Shape: [batch_size] + label_shape

list of str

The names of the labels

dnn_reco.modules.data.labels.default_labels.simple_label_loader(input_data, config, label_names=None, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Simple Label Loader.

Will load variables contained in the hdf5 field specified via config[‘data_handler_label_key’].



Path to input data file.


Dictionary containing all settings as read in from config file. Must contain:

‘data_handler_label_key’: str

The hdf5 key from which the labels will be loaded.

‘label_add_dir_vec’: bool

If true, the direction vector components will be calculated on the fly and added to the labels. For this, the keys ‘label_azimuth_key’ and ‘label_zenith_key’ have to be provided.

label_namesNone, optional

The names of the labels. This defines which labels to include as well as the ordering. If label_names is None, then all keys except event specificers will be used.


Variable length argument list.


Arbitrary keyword arguments.


list of str

The names of the labels

Misc Data Loading

All misc functions must have the following parameters and return values:


Path to input data file.


Dictionary containing all settings as read in from config file. Misc function specific settings can be passed via the config file.

misc_namesNone, optional

The names of the misc variables. This defines which variables to include as well as the ordering. If misc_names is None (e.g. first call to initiate name list), then a list of misc names needs to be created and returned.


Variable length argument list.


Arbitrary keyword arguments.


The numpy array containing the misc variables. Shape: [batch_size] + misc_shape

list of str

The names of the misc variables.

dnn_reco.modules.data.misc.default_misc.dummy_misc_loader(input_data, config, misc_names=None, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Dummy misc loader.

Dummy function that does not do anything.



Path to input data file.


Dictionary containing all settings as read in from config file.

misc_namesNone, optional

The names of the misc variables. This defines which variables to include as well as the ordering. If misc_names is None (e.g. first call to initiate name list), then a list of misc names needs to be created and returned.


Variable length argument list.


Arbitrary keyword arguments.



The misc variables.

empty list

The names of the misc variables.

dnn_reco.modules.data.misc.default_misc.general_misc_loader(input_data, config, misc_names=None, *args, **kwargs)[source]

A general misc variable loader.

Loads values as specified in config.



Path to input data file.


Dictionary containing all settings as read in from config file.

misc_namesNone, optional

The names of the misc variables. This defines which variables to include as well as the ordering. If misc_names is None (e.g. first call to initiate name list), then a list of misc names needs to be created and returned.


Variable length argument list.


Arbitrary keyword arguments.



The misc variables.

empty list

The names of the misc variables.

Event Filter

All filter functions must have the following parameters and return values:

data_handler:obj: of class DataHandler

An instance of the DataHandler class. The object is used to obtain meta data.


Path to input data file.


Dictionary containing all settings as read in from config file.


DOM input data of main IceCube array. shape: [batch_size, 10, 10, 60, num_bins]


DOM input data of DeepCore array. shape: [batch_size, 8, 60, num_bins]


Labels. shape: [batch_size] + label_shape


Misc variables. shape: [batch_size] + misc_shape


Time offset for relative timing for each event. shape: [batch_size, 1]


Variable length argument list.


Arbitrary keyword arguments.

numpy.ndarray of type bool

The boolean mask to filter out events. shape: [batch_size]

dnn_reco.modules.data.filter.default_filter.dummy_filter(data_handler, input_data, config, x_ic70, x_deepcore, labels, misc_data, time_range_start, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Dummy filter that accepts all events.


data_handler:obj: of class DataHandler

An instance of the DataHandler class. The object is used to obtain meta data.


Path to input data file.


Dictionary containing all settings as read in from config file.


DOM input data of main IceCube array. shape: [batch_size, 10, 10, 60, num_bins]


DOM input data of DeepCore array. shape: [batch_size, 8, 60, num_bins]


Labels. shape: [batch_size] + label_shape


Misc variables. shape: [batch_size] + misc_shape


Time offset for relative timing for each event. shape: [batch_size, 1]


Variable length argument list.


Arbitrary keyword arguments.


numpy.ndarray of type bool

The boolean mask to filter out events. shape: [batch_size]

dnn_reco.modules.data.filter.default_filter.general_filter(data_handler, input_data, config, x_ic70, x_deepcore, labels, misc_data, time_range_start, *args, **kwargs)[source]

A general filter.

Filters events according to the key value pairs defined in the config:

For events to pass this filter, the following must be True:

misc_data[key] == value

For events to pass this filter, the following must be True:

misc_data[key] > value

For events to pass this filter, the following must be True:

misc_data[key] < value

Optionally, a list of MC Primary PDG encodings may be provided to limit the application of the filter to events with the provided PDG encodings. The PDG encodings are provided via config[‘filter_apply_on_pdg_encodings’].


data_handler:obj: of class DataHandler

An instance of the DataHandler class. The object is used to obtain meta data.


Path to input data file.


Dictionary containing all settings as read in from config file.


DOM input data of main IceCube array. shape: [batch_size, 10, 10, 60, num_bins]


DOM input data of DeepCore array. shape: [batch_size, 8, 60, num_bins]


Labels. shape: [batch_size] + label_shape


Misc variables. shape: [batch_size] + misc_shape


Time offset for relative timing for each event. shape: [batch_size, 1]


Variable length argument list.


Arbitrary keyword arguments.


numpy.ndarray of type bool

The boolean mask to filter out events. shape: [batch_size]


