Configuration Options
The DNN reco
-framework uses a central configuration file to define
the settings for the various steps.
Configuration options used by the default models
are described in the following.
Configuration files may contain more options and keys than specified here.
Any custom model may use and define options.
General Settings
:This is the name of the neural network model. If you are using the default checkpoint and log paths, this name is used to correctly identify which model you want to load/train/save/export.
:A list of glob file patterns that defines which files will be used for the training set.
:A list of glob file patterns that defines which files will be used to create the data transformation model. Usually it’s fine to use the same files as used for training.
:A list of glob file patterns that defines which files will be used for the validation set.
:If the data handler object is not instantiated with a config, it will load one of these files to obtain meta data, such as the labels and misc data names.
:Float precision to be used.
:Number of workers that are used in parallel to load files and populate the ‘data_batch_queue’. See Monitor Progress for some additional information on the data input pipeline.
:The capacity of the ‘data_batch_queue’. The workers can only enqueue data to the ‘data_batch_queue’ if the capacity has not been reached. If the ‘data_batch_queue’ has reached its capacity, the workers will halt until elements get dequeued. See Monitor Progress for some additional information on the data input pipeline.
:The capacity of the ‘final_batch_queue’ which holds the batches of size
. The batches dequeued from this queue are fed directly into the neural netwok input tensors. See Monitor Progress for some additional information on the data input pipeline.num_add_files
:This defines how many files should be aggregated before randomly sampling batches from the loaded events. Ideally, one would want to load as many files as possible to make sure that the batches get mixed together well with events from different training files. However, the training datasets are typically so large, that we are only able to load a small subset of events at a time. See Monitor Progress for some additional information on the data input pipeline.
:This defines how many epocs to run over the loaded data. If
is high enough, e.g. if we load enough events to sample from, we can reuse these events before loading the next files. This is much more efficient that only using the loaded events once. However, care must be taken since a too high number of repetitions in connection with a small number of loaded events can result in overfitting to those events. See Monitor Progress for some additional information on the data input pipeline.batch_size
:The number of events in a batch.
:The directory to which the log files will be written to. You can use other keys as variables in the string:
log_path = log_path.format(**config)
will be applied.
Data Handler
:The name of the key which holds the data bin values. Default: dnn_data_bin_values
:The name of the key which holds the data bin indices. Default: dnn_data_bin_indices
:The name of the key which holds the global time offset. Time variables are usually computed relative to this time offset. Default: dnn_data_global_time_offset
:Size of per DOM input feature vector.
:Defines the function/class that is used to load the labels from the hdf5 files. Default:
:Defines the function/class that is used to load the misc data from the hdf5 files. Default:
:Sometime it can be helpful to choose a subselection of events to train on. The
defines the class/function to use to filter the events. Default:
:This is a key used by the default label loader. It specifies the name of the key in the hdf5 file that holds the labels.
:The time input DOM data is usually calculated relative to the time defined in data_handler_time_offset_name. If labels contain global times, it is recommendet to transform these to relative times. The labels provided here as a list will be transformed to relative time.
:The time input DOM data is usually calculated relative to the time defined in data_handler_time_offset_name. If labels contain global times, it is recommendet to transform these to relative times. You can provide a pattern here. Labels will be transformed to relative times if
'data_handler_relative_time_key_pattern' is in label_name.lower()
is true.
Misc Settings
:This is a key of the general_misc_loader misc data loader. The general_misc_loader will load the keys defined in the
from the training files. The pattern is: ‘hdf key’: ‘column’ These values will then be added to the misc values under the name: ‘hdf key’_’column’
Filter Settings
The general_filter will filter events according to the key value pairs
defined in the dicts filter_equal
, filter_greater_than
The keys used defined in the dicts must exist in the loaded misc data names.
:For events to pass filter, the following must be True: misc[key] == value
:For events to pass filter, the following must be True: misc[key] > value
:For events to pass filter, the following must be True: misc[key] < value
Label Settings
:A weighting can be applied to the labels to focus on certain labels in the training process. The loss is computed as a vector where each entry corresponds to the loss for that given label. This vector is then multiplied by the weights for each label. The
-key defines the default weight for the labels.label_weight_dict
:A weighting can be applied to the labels to focus on certain labels in the training process. The loss is computed as a vector where each entry corresponds to the loss for that given label. This vector is then multiplied by the weights for each label. The default weight for all labels is set to the specified value in the
-key. Thelabel_weight_dict
is a dictionary where you can define the weights for certain labels. The syntax is: {label_name: label_weight}.label_particle_keys
:This defines which labels will be used to populate the I3Particle when the model is being applied to new events. Optional keys include: energy, time, length, dir_x, dir_y, dir_z, pos_x, pos_y, pos_z. If the keys are not defined in the
dictionary, the I3Particle will be populated with NaNs instead. The I3Particle will be written to: {output_name}_I3Particle. Additionally, a key with all labels with weights greater than zero will be saved to: {output_name}.label_update_weights
:If set to True, this will update the label weights during the training process to ensure that labels are learnt according to their difficulty. The weights of each label will be scaled by the inverse RMSE of that label, which is calculated with a moving average over the past training iterations.
:If set to True, the median absolute residuals that is used for the tukey loss will be updated via a moving average over the last training iterations. This key is only relevant, if the chosen loss function is tukey.
:Specifies the name of the zenith direction label if it exists.
:Specifies the name of the azimuth direction label if it exists.
:Specifies the name of the direction vector x-component label if it exists.
:Specifies the name of the direction vector y-component label if it exists.
:Specifies the name of the direction vector z-component label if it exists.
:This key is used inside the
function. If True, direction vector components will be calculated on the fly from the given azimuth and zenith labels as specified in thelabel_azimuth_key
, respectively. These will be added as labels under the names: direction_x, direction_y, direction_z.label_position_at_rel_time
:This key is used inside the
function. If True, the position at a certain time (relative to time offset of event) based on the vertex and particle direction will be calculated on the fly and added as labels under the names: rel_pos_x, rel_pos_y, rel_pos_z. The position is given as: vertex + dir * delta_t * c.label_pid_keys
:This key is used by the default network architectures. It defines a list of binary classification labels. The labels specified in this list will be forced to the value range (0, 1).
General Training Settings
:Number of training iterations to run.
:Defines after how many training iterations to run evaluation on validation set.
:Defines the frequency at which the model should be saved. The frequency is given in number of training iterations.
:A custom evaluation method can be defined. This key defines the class/function to use. Example: ‘dnn_reco.modules.evaluation.default_evaluation.eval_direction’
Trafo Settings
:Defines the files that will be used to compute the mean and standard deviation. Usually we will keep this the same as the files used for training the neural network (
:This defines the number of CPU workers that will be used in parallel to load the data
:The number of batches of size
to iterate over. We should make sure, that we compute the mean and standard deviation over enough events.trafo_model_path
:Path to which the transformation model will be saved.
:If true, the input data per DOM, labels, and miscellaneous data will be normalized to have a mean of zero and a standard deviation of one.
:Defines whether or not the logarithm should be applied to the input data of each DOM. This can either be a bool in which case the logarithm will be applied to the whole input vector if set to True, or you can define a bool for each input feature. The provided configuration file applies the logarithm to the first three input features. You are free to change this as you wish.
:Defines whether or not to apply the logarithm to the labels/ misc data. This can be a bool, a list of bool, or a dictionary in which you can define this for a specific label / misc data. The default value will be False, if a dictionary is passed, e.g. the logarithm will not be applied to any labels / misc data that are not contained in the dictionary.
:If true, all DOMs will be treated equally, e.g. the mean and std deviation of the input data will be computed the same over all DOMs.
:A small constant to stabilize the normalization.
NN Model Training
:The path to the checkpoint directory. This is the directory to which the model will be saved and also where it will be loaded from. You can use other keys as variables in the string:
model_checkpoint_path = model_checkpoint_path.format(**config)
will be applied.model_restore_model
:If set to True, the model will be loaded if a previous model was saved to the directory specified by the
-key. If set to False, the model will be re-iniatlized, e.g. training will begin from scratch.model_save_model
:If set to True, the model will be saved after every
training steps.model_optimizer_dict
:This dictionary defines the different loss functions and optimizer settings that will be applied during training. Define a dictionary of dictionaries of optimizers here. Each optimizer has to define the following fields:
:name of tf.train.Optimizer, e.g. ‘AdamOptimizer’
:a dictionary of settings for the optimizer
:str or list of str specifying the variables the optimizer is adujusting. E.g. [‘unc’, ‘pred’] to optimize weights of the main prediction network and the uncertainty subnetwork.
:str or list of str, defines file of loss function
:str or list of str, defines name of loss function If loss_file and loss_name are lists, they must have the same length. In this case, a sum of each loss will be performed
:Regularization strength (lambda) for L1-Regularization
:Regularization strength (lambda) for L2-Regularization
This structure might seem a bit confusing, but it enables the use of different tensorflow optimizer operations, which can each apply to different weights of the network and wrt different loss functions.
NN Model Architecture
:The network architecture that will be used is defined by the
key. Default: dnn_reco.modules.models.general_IC86_cnn.GeneralIC86CNNmodel_kwargs
:A dictionary containing the settings for the network architecture. Some of the settings are defined below:
:A bool indicating whether the network is in training mode. This is needed for certain layers such as batch normalisation. Default: True
keep_prob_dom / _conv / _flat / _ fc
:Keep rates for dropout layers on the input data, convolutional layers, flattened+combined layers, and fully connected layers.
:The float precision to be used for the model architecture,
:The random seed to be used for the model architecture.
:whether to add the model prediction output to the input of the uncertainty subnetwork. Default: False
:If True, the direction vector will be normalized to unit length.
:This key is used by the default architectures and defines the convolutional layers over the upper DeepCore array.
:This key is used by the default architectures and defines the convolutional layers over the lower DeepCore array.
:This key is used by the default architectures and defines the convolutional layers over the main IceCube array.
:This key is used by the default architectures and defines the fully connected layers after the results of the different conovlutional branches are flattened and combined.
:This key is used by the default architectures and defines the fully connected layers used for the uncertainty estimate. The input of these layers are the combined and flattened results of the different conovlutional branches.