Apply Exported Models

Applying an exported model can be achieved with the ApplyDNNRecos I3TraySegment. As an example, the models dnn_reco_paper_hese__m4_before_GL_unc_sys and dnn_reco_paper_hese__m5_after_GL_unc_sys can be applied via:

from dnn_reco.ic3.segments import ApplyDNNRecos

tray.AddSegment(ApplyDNNRecos, 'ApplyDNNRecos',

Models which use the same input settings may be grouped in a single tray segment via the model_names parameter which accepts a list of model names. These models will then share the same input pipeline. As a result, the preprocessing only needs to be performed once. On a GPU, this is the most time consuming step. If run on a CPU, the number of CPUs to run the model on may be passed via num_cpus. Especially if on a GPU, it is advisable to run the DNN reco on batches of events at a time. This can be controlled via batch_size which defines the number of events to reconstruct simulateneously. The best settings depend on the hardware setup. A good staring point could be 32 or 64.

The models described in the following are located in /data/user/mhuennefeld/DNN_reco/models/exported_models/. In the future these might also be made available in the user_cvmfs space. There are also a number of models used for the DNNCascade selection. These are described here and available at /data/ana/PointSource/DNNCascade/utils/exported_models/<version>/dnn_reco/

List of trained models:


This model is used for the DNN reco paper. It is a model focused on the cascade directional reconstruction for MESC.


Baseline is SpiceLea 30cm Holeice. Also trained on SpiceLea systematics in earlier training steps. The model is fine-tuned to the baseline for the prediction as well as uncertainty estimates. This means that coverage should hold on the baseline dataset, but will under-cover for systematic sets.


InIceDSTPulses (or equivalent)

DOM Exclusions:

[‘BrightDOMs’,’SaturationWindows’, ‘BadDomsList’,’CalibrationErrata’]

Partial Exclusion:


Training Data:

First half of each dataset in /data/ana/Cscd/StartingEvents/NuGen/*/*/IC86_2013*.


This is a model focused on the cascade directional reconstruction for HESE.


The model is trained on Spice3.2 with all of the available systematic datasets.


InIceDSTPulses (or equivalent)

DOM Exclusions:

[‘BrightDOMs’,’SaturationWindows’, ‘BadDomsList’,’CalibrationErrata’]

Partial Exclusion:


Training Data:

First half of each dataset in /data/ana/Cscd/StartingEvents/NuGen/*/*/IC86_flasher*.


This is a model focused on the cascade directional reconstruction for HESE. It uses dnn_reco_paper_hese__m4_before_GL_unc_sys and adds some additional training steps broaden uncertainty estimates.


The model is trained on Spice3.2 with all of the available systematic datasets for the prediction. Further training steps for the uncertainty estimate were performed on Spice3.2 + SpiceLea systematics. The uncertainty estimates are therefore broadened to include additional systemtatic uncertainties.


InIceDSTPulses (or equivalent)

DOM Exclusions:

[‘BrightDOMs’,’SaturationWindows’, ‘BadDomsList’,’CalibrationErrata’]

Partial Exclusion:


Training Data:

First half of each dataset in /data/ana/Cscd/StartingEvents/NuGen/*/*/IC86_flasher*.