Contours for unbroken (black) and broken power law (orange) fits, where we used the independent 8yr up-going muon best-fit astrophysical flux (pink) as a prior for the high-energy ("hard") component of the HESE broken power-law fit. Due to the large uncertainties on the low-energy ("soft") component it is compatible with zero within 1σ in which case the fit reduces to a single astrophysical component. In both cases, a fit without a high-energy cutoff is preferred.
Astrophysical neutrino flux as a function of energy. The black points with error bars are extracted from a combined likelihood fit of all background components and several pieces of E-2 components in neutrino energy. Error bars indicate the ΔL=±1 contours of the flux in each energy bin. The single power law fit result is shown in blue, the pink band shows the 8yr high energy upgoing muon best fit. Both results are compatible at neutrino energies > 200TeV TeV..
Deposited energy of events and MC prediction.
Cos(zenith) of events and MC prediction.
Right ascension of events and MC prediction.
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