
This tutorial was specifically created for the DNN Bootcamp at the 2019 Madison meeting. The virtual machine is no longer available. You can still run this tutorial, but will have to create new training data files and setup the environment elsewhere. Please refer to Getting Started tutorial and Installation and Requirements.

Installation and Setup

We will use for this tutorial. After you have logged in, we will open a terminal to setup the environment and to install DNN reco.

Setup Environment

To facilitate the installation process we will define and create necessary environment variables here. Unfortunately we can not use the local anaconda and icecube installation since the hdf5 version is slightly different than what we have available on NPX to create the training files. We will therefore clear environment variables and instead use a cvmfs python with the following slightly dirty hack:

# -----------
# clear shell
# -----------
unset I3_SHELL
unset I3_SRC
unset I3_DATA
unset I3_BUILD

PATH=$(echo "$PATH" | sed -e 's|/opt/icetray/combo/build/bin:||')
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(echo "$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" | sed -e 's|/opt/icetray/combo/build/lib/tools:||')
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(echo "$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" | sed -e 's|/opt/icetray/combo/build/lib:||')
PYTHONPATH=$(echo "$PYTHONPATH" | sed -e 's|/opt/icetray/combo/build/lib:||')
# -----------

# Use python and icecube metaproject from cvmfs
eval $(/cvmfs/
source /shared/dnn_reco_tutorial/software/parasitic_icerec/build/

# use CUDA 10.0 (latest supported version by pip install tensorflow-gpu)
export CUDA_HOME=/shared/dnn_reco_tutorial/cuda-10.0;
export PATH=${CUDA_HOME}/bin:$PATH

# Create working directory
# We will create a virtual environment and clone the repositories here
export DNN_HOME=${HOME}/DNN_tutorial

# create directories
mkdir --parents $DNN_HOME

It is recommended to set up a python virtual environment for the installation of DNN reco and its dependencies. In the following we will create a virtual environment with virtualenv.

# Create virtualenv
virtualenv dnn_reco_env

# activate virtual environment
source ${DNN_HOME}/dnn_reco_env/bin/activate

Install DNN Reco

We are now ready to install the necessary prerequisites and DNN reco.

# install tensorflow
pip install tensorflow-gpu

mkdir ${DNN_HOME}/repositories
cd  ${DNN_HOME}/repositories

# clone repositories
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone

# make sure that your virtualenv is activated
# you can check this by executing
which pip
# It should point to:
echo ${DNN_HOME}/dnn_reco_env/bin/pip

# install packages
pip install -e  ${DNN_HOME}/repositories/TFScripts
pip install -e  ${DNN_HOME}/repositories/ic3-data
pip install -e  ${DNN_HOME}/repositories/ic3-labels
pip install -e  ${DNN_HOME}/repositories/dnn_reco

# uninstall h5py (problems with hdf5 version...)
pip uninstall h5py

Verify Installation

Try to create a tensorflow session and to import DNN reco.

# the following should successfully create a tensorflow session
python -c 'import tensorflow as tf; print(tf.__version__); tf.Session()'

# try to import dnn_reco (This should run without giving any output)
python -c 'import dnn_reco; import tfscripts; import ic3_labels; import ic3_data'