General Remarks

DNN reco is intended to be a highly modularized software framework for neural network applications in IceCube. As such, there are many modules that you can easily modify or switch out, depending on your needs. A central configuration file defines which modules and which settings will be used. This configuration file is necessary for each of the individual steps. There are many options that can be configured. Here we will only briefly touch a few basic concepts. An extensive documentation of the configuration file options is provided in Configuration Options.

In this tutorial we will use the directory and virtual environment that we created during the installation steps (see Installation and Requirements).

# Create environment variable if it doesn't already exist
export DNN_HOME=/data/user/${USER}/DNN_tutorial

# load icecube environment if not already loaded
eval $(/cvmfs/
source /cvmfs/

# set I3_BUILD and I3_SRC to correct directories if not set correctly
export I3_BUILD=/cvmfs/
export I3_SRC=/cvmfs/

# Activate virtual environment if not already activated
source ${DNN_HOME}/py3-v4.1.1_tensorflow2.3/bin/activate


It is important to first load the icecube environment and then activate the virtual environment. If done the other way around, the environment variables defined by the virtual environment will be overwritten by the icecube As a result, a different python version will be used than the one from the virtual environment.