
If you already have training data files available, then you can skip to the next section. You may also use the training files located here: /data/user/mhuennefeld/DNN_reco/tutorials/training_data.

Create Training Data

To create the training data we will use the tray segment ic3_data.segments.CreateDNNData from the Ic3-data project and for the labels we will use ic3_labels.labels.modules.MCLabelsCascades from the Ic3-labels repository. You are free to include these modules in your processing set up of choice. Here we will use these processing scripts.

The tray segment ic3_data.segments.CreateDNNData can write out different types of input data. Options include (more available):

  • charge_bins: Histogram charge in time bins as given by ‘TimeBins’

  • charge_weighted_time_quantiles: Calculate charge weighted time quantiles for the quantiles specified in ‘TimeQuantiles’

  • autoencoder: Encodes pulse data with an autoencoder (deprecated)

  • pulse_summmary_clipped: Calculates 9 summary values from pulses (used in DNN-reco paper, see paper for more information)

  • reduced_summary_statistics_data: Total charge, time of first pulse, std. deviation of pulse times. These are computed entirely in c++. If you need a NN that executes in < 1ms/event, then this is a good choice.

If your application needs different input data, you can easily add a function in ic3_data.data_formats. The ‘DataFormat’ key of the tray segment ic3_data.segments.CreateDNNData defines which function in ic3_data.data_formats will be used to create the input data. The only requirement is that the input data must be a vector of length n for each DOM.


Recommended data input formats are pulse_summmary_clipped or reduced_summary_statistics_data. Support for ml_suite-based input data will be added in the future.

We will use pulse_summmary_clipped in this tutorial. The input data to our network will therefore consist of summary values calculated from the pulses of each DOM. The computed summary values for each DOM are:

  1. Total DOM charge

  2. Charge within 500ns of first pulse.

  3. Charge within 100ns of first pulse.

  4. Relative time of first pulse. (relative to total time offset)

  5. Charge weighted quantile with q = 0.2

  6. Charge weighted quantile with q = 0.5 (median)

  7. Relative time of last pulse. (relative to total time offset)

  8. Charge weighted mean pulse arrival time

  9. Charge weighted std of pulse arrival time

The settings we will use to achieve this are:

from ic3_data.segments import CreateDNNData


To be able to train our neural network, we must also define labels. In this tutorial we will use:

from ic3_labels.labels.modules import MCLabelsCascades


This will create a number of different labels and write them to an I3MapStringDouble. Amongst others, these include:

  • EnergyVisible: visible energy in Detector

  • num_muons_at_entry: number of muons that enter the convex hull around the detector

  • VertexX/Y/Z: For cascades: x/y/z-coordinate of vertex; For muons: x/y/z-coordinate of entry point/starting point

  • PrimaryZenith: zenith angle of primary particle as defined by ‘PrimaryKey’

  • PrimaryAzimuth: azimuth angle of primary particle as defined by ‘PrimaryKey’

  • PrimaryDirectionX/Y/Z: direction vector components of primary particle as defined by ‘PrimaryKey’

  • PrimaryEnergy: energy of primary particle as defined by ‘PrimaryKey’

  • Length: For cascades: length of cascade; For muons: length of muon

  • LengthInDetector: For cascades: length of cascade within convex hull; For muons: length of muon within convex hull

  • p_starting_300m: 1 if neutrino event with vertex within 300m of convex hull around detector, else 0

  • p_starting: 1 if starting event, else 0

  • p_outside_cascade: 1 if neutrino event with vertex outside of convex hull, else 0

  • p_entering: 1, if entering muon, else 0

Now we are ready to save the training data to hdf5 files:

from icecube import hdfwriter


We can now put these modules together in a script and process the dataset 11883. To facilitate this process, we will use the mentioned processing scripts, in which this is already done. First we must fetch the processing scripts:

svn co $DNN_HOME/processing

Within the svn repository, there is a already a configuration file available that we will use to create the training data.

Create the job files via:

cd $DNN_HOME/processing

# create job files (--help for more options)
python configs/tutorial_dnn_reco/getting_started/create_training_data_01_py3-v4.1.1.yaml -d $DNN_HOME/training_data/

This will write the executable job files and the configuration file that was used to the directory $DNN_HOME/training_data/processing. The output files will be written to $DNN_HOME/training_data/datasets. You may also write DAGMan files if you pass the option --dagman. Make sure to write the DAGMan files to condor scratch. If you created DAGMan files, you then start the DAGMan by executing the script. Alternatively, you can process the job files locally with the script Check --help for options. To process a single file, you can also directly execute the shell script in a fresh shell:

# Open a new terminal with a fresh shell without loading an icecube
# environment. Redefine our $DNN_HOME variable.
export DNN_HOME=/data/user/${USER}/DNN_tutorial

# process file number 0 (part of our training set)

# process file number 1000 (part of our validation set)


Make sure to open a fresh shell without loading an icecube environment to execute the job shell scripts. The shell scripts are set up such that they will load an icecube environment. Hence, if you already have one loaded in current shell, it will cause problems.

To test the rest of the tutorial, it is enough to process one file from the training and validation set. However, the network will overfit on the training data which then only consists of about 700 events.