CNN reconstructions¶
The reconstructions used in this analysis are based on machine learning using the dnn_reco framework.
The CNN structure provided in the IceCube framework is explained here.
In this chapter, the architecture, usage, training data, and network evaluation are presented.
The results shown here were supported by two bachelor students, Leander Flottau and Benjamin Brandt who worked on direction and energy reconstructions.
CNN approach¶
Traditional reconstruction methods often involve maximum likelihood estimation and are computationally expensive. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) offer several advantages for this task. CNNs are highly effective at extracting spatial and temporal features from complex datasets, which is essential for analyzing the Cherenkov light patterns detected by IceCube’s optical modules. Furthermore, traditional methods assume a single-track hypothesis, i.e. the energy and direction of a single muon are reconstructed. This is useful if neutrinos are investigated, since single muon events are induced by neutrino interactions. When analyzing the atmospheric muon flux, muons enter the detector as muon bundles usually. That breaks the single-track hypothesis. A machine learning approach utilizes the data and estimates the target label, without requiring any further information about the data.
Physics motivation¶
This analysis has two goals: 1. measure the normalization of the prompt component of the atmospheric muon flux and 2. unfold the muon energy spectrum at surface. These measurements require a reconstruction of the muon energy. Furthermore, to verify the CORSIKA simulations, properties like the muon direction, the detector entry position of the muon and the propagation length of the muon are reconstructed. This does not only help to verify the simulations, but also to perform a selection. For example, regions in which a data-MC mismatch is observed can be excluded from the analysis.
When a cosmic particle hits our Earth’s atmosphere, secondary particles are produced in cascades. Depending on the energy of the primary particle, these cascades are large and produce not only one but several particles. These cascades are called extensive air showers. Since most of the produced particles are unstable, on Earth’s surface mainly neutrinos and muons are detected. Thus, per shower not only one muon is created, but a bundle of muons.
A muon bundle is defined as all muons that are produced by the same primary cosmic ray. Since not all muons are energetic enough to reach the detector, the amount of muons in a bundle does change while the muons propagate through the Earth to the detector. In this analysis, typical defintions are the bundle energy at the surface and the bundle energy at the detector entry, which are the sum of the muon energies at the surface and at the detector entry, respectively.
The leading muon is the muon with the highest energy in the bundle. This can be defined by the leadingness, which is the ratio between the energy of the leading muon and the total bundle energy. Since all muons in a bundle propagate close to each other, it is not possible to reconstruct the energies of the individual muons in a bundle.
Nevertheless, in this analysis, we reconstruct the energy of the leading muon using neural networks. This is fundamentally aided by two physical phenomena. Firstly, muons with energies of TeV and above mainly lose energy in stochastic interactions like bremsstrahlung, electron pair production and photonuclear interaction (see Bethe-Bloch). Thus, a single muon statistically deposits varying amounts of energy along its path through the ice. When considering a bundle, the individual energy losses add up and it appears as if the entire muon bundle continuously loses (the same amount of) energy along its propagation. If the muon bundle contains a muon that is significantly higher in energy than the accompanying muons, this high-energy muon should deposit larger amounts of energy in the ice, making the overall energy deposition appear less continuous. This is referred to as stochasticity. In summary, if the energy depositions are dominated by large stochastic losses, the leadingness is more likely to be high. If the energy depositions appear to be more continuous, the leadingness is more likely to be low. MC studies about the stochasticity are available in Appendix/Stochasticity.
Secondly, at high energies, the particles are produced in a forward direction. This means that the leading muon is more likely to be produced in the forward direction. Hence, the distances of the individual muons to the projected center of the shower are smaller, for a bundle with a high leadingness. For a bundle with a low leadingness, the distances are larger. To quantify this, the perpendicular distance between the leading muon and the closest approach position to the center of the detector is calculated. Then, the closest approach point to the center is calculated for all muons in the bundle. With these positions, the distances between the leading muon and the other muons are calculated. Finally, the distances are weighted by the energy. For example, 100% means that the largest distance between a muon and the leading muon is considered. 90% means that the distance between the leading muon and the muon that accumulates 90 % of the bundle energy is considered. In the following, this distance is referred to as the bundle radius. MC studies about the bundle radius are available in Appendix/Bundle radius.
These effects are mentioned and explained here solely to provide insight into the information available for utilization by a machine learning approach. In this analysis, neither the stochasticity nor the bundle radius is reconstructed or used. The impact of cuts based on stochasticity and bundle radius was studied but no improvement was found, as shown in Stochasticity impact and Bundle radius impact.
CNN structure and input data¶
CNN structure¶
In Fig. 6, the basic CNN structure is presented. The network is divided into three sub-arrays due to the different vertical DOM to DOM distances of the main array and upper and lower DeepCore. Convolutional layers extract spatial features from the input data. Hexagonally shaped convolution kernels are used to match the geometry of the detector. Pooling layers reduce the spatial dimensions of the data, focusing on the most relevant features. The output of the convolutional layers is flattened and passed through fully connected layers to make final predictions about the energy and direction of the event. The network has separate output layers for predicting the reconstructed quantities (e.g., energy, direction) and their associated uncertainties. This uncertainty estimation provides insights into the reliability of the prediction. The loss function used in training the network incorporates both the predicted values and their uncertainties. It is based on the assumption of a Gaussian likelihood, which means the residuals (differences between the true and predicted values) are assumed to follow a Gaussian distribution with a standard deviation that varies for each event. The loss function is given by
where \(y\) is the true value, \(\hat{y}\) is the predicted value and \(\sigma\) is the predicted standard deviation (uncertainty). This loss function ensures that the network not only minimizes the difference between the true and predicted values but also learns to predict the associated uncertainty.
Input data¶
In Fig. 7, 9 input features for the CNN are shown. These features are based on the pulses, charge over time, and the features are calculated per DOM. In this analysis, there are two cases. Either all 9 features or 3 features are used. Using less input features speeds up the evaluation of the network, since less features have to be calculated. Providing more features to the network can help to improve the accuracy of the reconstruction. Overall, as long as the information of the features is not redundant, choosing the number of features is a trade-off between runtime and accuracy.
The features of the 3 input networks are:
\(c_{\mathrm{total}}:\) Total charge: Sum of charge
\(t_{\mathrm{first}}:\) Relative time of first pulse: Relative to total time offset, calculated as the charge weighted mean time of all pulses
\(t_{\mathrm{std}}:\) Standard deviation of first pulse: Charge weighted standard deviation of pulse times relative to total time offset
The additional 6 input features are:
\(t_{\mathrm{last}}:\) Relative time of last pulse: Relative to total time offset, calculated as the charge weighted mean time of all pulses
\(t_{\mathrm{20\,\%}}:\) Relative time of 20% charge: Relative to total time offset, calculated as the charge weighted mean time of all pulses
\(t_{\mathrm{50\,\%}}:\) Relative time of 50% charge: Relative to total time offset, calculated as the charge weighted mean time of all pulses
\(t_{\mathrm{mean}}:\) Mean time: Charge weighted mean time of all pulses relative to total time offset
\(c_{\mathrm{500ns}}:\) Charge at 500ns: Sum of charge after 500ns
\(c_{\mathrm{100ns}}:\) Charge at 100ns: Sum of charge after 100ns
Input pulses¶
For the input pulses, two different time window cleaning methods are used. On the one hand, there is an internal time cleaning in the DNN framework. It depends on a weighted charge and does not set a fixed time window. On the other hand, the following module is used with a fixed cleaning of \(6000\,\mathrm{ns}\). Both methods use the SplitInIceDSTPulses as input.
def apply_time_window_cleaning(
TimeWindow=6000 * icetray.I3Units.ns,
from icecube import DomTools # noqa F401
Training data¶
The training data are based on four old CORSIKA datasets. Further information are given at iceprod2.
Reconstructed properties¶
As mentioned above, analyzing the prompt component of the atmospheric muon flux requires reconstructions of several properties like energy, direction and further track information for the selection. For this analysis, the following properties are reconstructed by 3 different networks. One networks estimates different networks, one estimates track geometry information and another one estimates the direction. Here, a list of all reconstructed properties is presented:
: Leading muon energy at the detector entrybundle_energy_at_entry
: Muon bundle energy at the detector entrymuon_energy_first_mctree
: Leading muon energy at surfacebundle_energy_in_mctree
: Muon bundle energy at surface
Track geometry¶
: Propagation length of muon in the iceLengthInDetector
: Propagation length of muon in the detectorcenter_pos_x
: Closest x position of muon to center of the detectorcenter_pos_y
: Closest y position of muon to center of the detectorcenter_pos_z
: Closest z position of muon to center of the detectorcenter_pos_t
: Time of closest approach to the center of the detectorentry_pos_x
: x position of muon at the detector entryentry_pos_y
: y position of muon at the detector entryentry_pos_z
: z position of muon at the detector entryentry_pos_t
: Time of muon at the detector entry
: Zenith angle of muonazimuth
: Azimuth angle of muon
Network evaluation¶
In the following, the evaluation of the networks is shown. Each figure contains two plots. The left plots show the evaluation of all events, the right plot shows an uncertainty cut applied on the estimated uncertainty by the network. The evaluation is performed on our own extended history simulation dataset (datasets 30010 - 30013). Each plot has the network prediction on the y-axis and the true value on the x-axis. In general, networks are trained with 3 or 9 inputs and a time window of 6ms or the internal DNN time window cleaning is applied to the SplitInIceDSTPulses. The runtime prediction is presented for the usage of a GPU. The preprocessing runtime represents the time needed to create the input features for the network based on the input pulses.
As described in Selection, 4 different networks are used for the selection. Due to the high statistics at low energies, a very fast reconstruction is necessary to remove low-energetic muons. This is done by a network using only 3 input features and a time window cleaning of 6ms, referred to as precut network. This network is only used to reconstruct the muon bundle energy at surface. The other 3 networks use 9 input features and the internal DNN cleaning, since comparisons have shown an improved prediction for all properties when using 9 instead of 3 inputs. These comparisons can be found in Appendix/Network evaluation.
The networks used in this analysis are named:
In the following, the evaluation of these networks is shown.
Bundle energy at surface¶
precut network:
Bundle energy at entry¶
Leading muon energy at surface¶
Leading muon energy at entry¶
The reconstruction of the leading muon is a difficult task, since the leading muon is accompanied by a bundle of muons. Thus, the emitted cherenkov light of the leading muon is superimposed by the light of the other muons. In Fig. 13, the true muon energy fraction is shown as a function of the true bundle energy at entry. There is a clear correlation between the true muon energy fraction and the true bundle energy. The distribution is smeared. In Fig. 14, the reconstructed muon energy fraction is shown as a function of the reconstructed bundle energy at entry. This distribution is less smeared. Hence, the network seems to reconstruct the bundle energy and tries to refer to the leading muon energy.
Track geometry¶
The center information are defined as the closest approach point of the muon to the center of the detector. This includes the position of the closest approach point, the energy of the muon at that point and the relative time of the muon in its time window. The same properties can be calculated for the detector entry point, which is the point where the muon enters the detector. For this, a convex hull around the in-ice detector is created. The Cherenkov light produced by the muons is not only visible, if the muon passes through the detector, but also when it passes close to the detector. Hence, the convex hull is extended by 200m. Thus, the entry point is defined as the point, where the muon enters the convex hull around the IceCube detector extended by 200m. The propagation length inside the detector is defined as the length the muon propagates inside this convex hull until it either leaves the detector or decays. The total propagation length is the length the muon propagates in total, from the surface (for atmospheric muons) to the point where it stops (decays).
The information about the track geometry are calculated by several functions. The entry position, time and energy are determined using get_muon_entry_info. The center position is determined by get_muon_closest_approach_to_center. The energy at the center position is calculated by get_muon_energy_at_position. The time when the muon is at the closest point of the center is calculated with get_muon_time_at_position. The total propagation length of the muon is provided in its class I3Particle and accessible via muon.length. The propagation length inside the detector is determined using get_muon_track_length_inside.
Center time:
Entry time:
Center position x:
Center position y:
Center position z:
Entry position x:
Entry position y:
Entry position z:
Total track length:
Track length in detector:
Zenith angle:
Azimuth angle:
Angular resolution:
The angular resolution is defined as the opening angle \(\Delta \Psi\) between the true and predicted direction. This calculation is done via:
with the azimuth angles \(\phi_{\mathrm{true}},\,\phi_{\mathrm{pred}}\) and zenith angles \(\theta_{\mathrm{true}},\,\theta_{\mathrm{pred}}\)
SplineMPE vs. DNN¶
The improvement of SplineMPE to the reconstructed direction is shown below. The DNN only reconstruction is shown
in red and the network DeepLearningReco_direction_9inputs_6ms_medium_02_03
is used. On the one hand,
this network is used as a direction seed for SplineMPE. The center position and time are provided by the network
and the energy is given by
as the muon entry energy.
Furthermore, also the default OnlineL2 reconstructions are shown. Fig. 28 shows the median angular resolution,
which is around \(1^\circ\) for all reconstructions. The SplineMPE reconstructions are slightly better.
The improvement of SplineMPE with the DNN seeds is shown in Fig. 29. At energies around \(1\,\mathrm{PeV}\) there is a small improvement, but the \(90\,\%\) containment is smallest for the DNN only reconstruction.
As seen above, the runtime prediction for the directional network is 6ms per event. The duration of applying the method SplineMPE to an event is shown in Fig. 30. The application using the recommended settings is 690ms, which 2 orders of magnitude higher.
Since we are interested in an overall atmospheric muon flux, we are not interested in the best possible angular resolution, which is necessary for example in a point source analysis. Given the additional time needed for the SplineMPE reconstruction and the wider contours, we decided to use the DNN only reconstructions for the directional reconstruction.