2000-2006 AMANDA Point Source Analysis

Data and Simulation
Event Selection
Sensitivity & Discovery Potential
Unblinding Proposal
Questions and Answers
Systematics, Publication, and Figures
LS I +61 303 Periodic Analysis
Solar WIMP Analysis

Unblinding Results

Full Sky Search

6595 events are shown from the 2000-2006 AMANDA-II μ-DAQ dataset.

The likelihood ratio is evaluated on a 0.25ox0.25o grid ranging from -5o<δ<82.5o. At each point the significance is calculated, resulting in the following map of -Log10(p) (click here for larger image):

The maximum significance obtained is p=0.00074 (3.38σ) near 11.4h, +54o. Out of 100 sets of data randomized in right ascension, 95 have a maximum significance equal to or greater than 3.38σ. Below is a close-up image of the Cygnus region.

Search Based on a List of Candidate Sources

The method is applied to the locations of sources in the IC-9 point source catalog. The limits (E2Φ < μ90*10-11 TeV cm-2s-1 @90% CL) and p-values (probability the result is due to background alone) are summarized in the table below. Systematics are not included

ObjectDecoRAo μ90P-value
MGRO J2019+37 36.83 304.83 4.75 0.077
Cyg OB2 41.32 308.29 3.16 0.30
Mrk 421 38.21 166.11 1.26 0.82
Mrk 501 39.76 253.47 3.56 0.22
1ES 1959+650 65.15 300 3.38 0.44
1ES 2344+514 51.71 356.77 2.84 0.44
H 1426+428 42.68 217.14 2.82 0.36
BL Lac (QSO B2200+420) 42.28 330.68 2.54 0.38
3C66A 43.04 35.67 3.93 0.18
3C 454.3 16.15 343.49 1.27 0.73
4C 38.41 38.14 248.82 1.10 0.85
PKS 0528+134 13.53 82.74 1.60 0.64
3C 273 2.05 187.28 4.17 0.086
M87 12.39 187.71 2.18 0.43
NGC 1275 (Perseus A) 41.51 49.95 2.24 0.47
Cyg A 40.73 299.87 4.50 0.095
SS 433 4.98 287.96 1.57 0.64
Cyg X-3 40.96 308.11 3.28 0.29
Cyg X-1 35.2 299.59 2.00 0.57
LS I +61 303 61.23 40.13 7.21 0.033
GRS 1915+105 10.95 288.8 3.73 0.11
XTE J1118+480 48.04 169.55 2.61 0.50
GRO J0422+32 32.91 65.43 1.40 0.76
Geminga 17.77 98.48 6.07 0.0086
Crab Nebula 22.01 83.63 4.47 0.10
Cas A 58.82 350.85 1.93 0.67

The most significant source is Geminga with a P-value of 0.0086. The probability of obtaining a p-value of 0.0086 for at least one of the 26 sources is 20%. The 2000-2006 sensitivity and flux limits are shown below (click here for larger image).

Milagro Stacking Search

The six milagro hotspots below are stacked to enhance the significance of a possible weak signal.

MGRO J2019+3775.00.236.72o305.03o
MGRO J1908+0640.4-1.06.18o287.18o
MGRO J2034+4180.31.141.57o308.04o
C1 (MGRO J2043+36)77.5-3.936.3o310.98o
C2 (MGRO J2032+37)76.1-1.936.52o307.75o
MGRO J1852+0133.50.00.51o283.12o

The search results in a minor upward fluctuation with a p-value of 0.19. The 90% confidence level limit on the per-source flux for the six sources, excluding systematics, is 9.6*10-12 TeV cm-2 s-1 over the energy region 1.8 TeV - 2.1 PeV. The limit is shown with the flux predictions of Halzen et al. [1] below.

Autocorrelation Search

Significances for the autocorrelation search are shown below as a function of angular separation and Nch threshold.

The maximum observed significance is 1.6σ, for an Nch threshold of 146 and angular separation of 2.88o, where 2 pairs are observed. A significance of 1.6σ or higher is obtained in 99 of 100 sets of data randomized in right ascension.


[1] Francis Halzen, Alexander Kappes, and Aongus O'Murchadha. Identifying the Sources of the Galactic Cosmic Rays with IceCube. arXiv:0803.0314v1 [astro-ph].