2000-2006 AMANDA Point Source Analysis

Data and Simulation
Event Selection
Sensitivity & Discovery Potential
Unblinding Proposal
Questions and Answers
Systematics, Publication, and Figures
LS I +61 303 Periodic Analysis
Solar WIMP Analysis

Sensitivity & Discovery Potential

Point Spread

Application of the final cuts results in the following simulated point spread:


The Northern Hemisphere average sensitivity to E-2 is ~2.5 * 10-11 TeV cm-2 s-1.

Detection Probability

Averaged Discovery Potential

Statistical Power = 0.9 Statistical Power = 0.99

Randomized 2000-2006 Unbinned Skymap (Scale is in standard deviations)

All-Sky Search Discovery Potential

The distribution of maximum significances for 1000 searches of the entire sky is shown below left, while the distribution of maximum significances for a 3 degree binned search (on a similar 0.25x0.25 degree grid) are shown below right.

90% of skymaps have a maximum significance less than 4.33σ (p=1.49x10-5), and 99% of skymaps have a maximum significance less than 4.94σ (p=7.81x10-7). The E-2 neutrino flux required to achieve these significances is shown below.

Statistical Power = 0.5 Statistical Power = 0.9

Milagro Source Stacking Search

Sensitivity & MDP

For the entire sample containing 6 sources:

90% CL SensitivityP=0.9 MDP (5σ)
3.74 * 10-11 TeV cm-2 s-11.51 * 10-10 TeV cm-2 s-1

The per-source sensitivity and MDP are the sample MDP divided by the number of sources:

90% CL SensitivityP=0.9 MDP (5σ)
6.23 * 10-12 TeV cm-2 s-12.51 * 10-11 TeV cm-2 s-1

i.e. if all 6 sources emit a flux of 2.51 * 10-11 TeV cm-2 s-1 (approximately the sensitivity level of our search based on a list of source candidates), we would have a 90% chance of 5σ detection.