


archiving, displaying, 1

global archiving, controlling, 1

global staging, controlling, 1

recovery point, displaying status of, 1

releasing, displaying, 1

staging, displaying, 1

administrative privileges, assigning, 1

archive policies

about, 1

adding file match criteria to, 1

adding to file systems, 1

administering, 1

archiver.cmd file for, 1

archiving options for, enabling, 1

copies of

about, 1

adding, 1

administering, 1

editing, 1

removing, 1

VSN assignments to, 1, 2

creating, 1, 2

deleting, 1

editing, 1

file match criteria in, displaying, 1

managing, 1, 2

monitoring, 1

no-archive type

about, 1, 2

creating, 1, 2

removing file match criteria from, 1

archiver.cmd file, 1


about, 1, 2, 3

activity, 1, 2, 3

administering policies for, 1


about, 1

enabling, 1

configuring global values for, 1


about, 1

enabling, 1

controlling, 1

to disk VSNs, 1

to disk, enabling, 1

file systems. See archiving file systems

general, setting up, 1

global activity for, controlling, 1

idling for a file system, 1

planning for, 1

to pools of VSNs, enabling, 1

running for a file system, 1

scan methods, about, 1

stopping for a file system, 1

to tape, 1

archiving file systems

about, 1

adding policies to, 1

administering, 1

archiver scanning, configuring for, 1

archiving for, controlling, 1

checking, 1

configuring scanning for, 1

creating, 1

deleting, 1

file match criteria for, 1, 2, 3

growing, 1

idling archiving for, 1

mount options for, editing, 1

mounting, 1

planning, 1

protecting data in, 1

restoring, 1

running archiving for, 1

unmounting, 1

VSN association for, creating, 1

associative archiving

about, 1

enabling, 1

auditing, slots for VSNs in a library, 1


banner elements, 1

banner pane, 1


banner and content panes in, 1

navigating through, 1

overview of, 1


catalog, displaying for Historian, 1

cleaning drives, 1


adding, 1

deleting, 1

mounting, 1

unmounting, 1

configuration files

overview of, 1

server, displaying, 1

content pane, 1

continuous archiving

about, 1

enabling, 1

controls, report table, 1

conventions, 1, 2

copies of archive policies. See archive policies, copies of

current server, changing, 1


damaged files in recovery point file, troubleshooting, 1

devices, discovering available, 1

directories, displaying NFS, 1

discovering available devices, 1

disk archiving, enabling, 1

disk VSNs

archiving to, 1

archiving to a Sun StorageTek 5800 VSN, 1

archiving to pools of, 1

creating, 1

editing the media attributes of, 1


accessing online, 1

related, 1


email alerts

about, 1

changing events for a recipient of, 1

creating, 1

deleting, 1

explorer files or reports, SAM. See SAMreports


fault conditions not displayed, troubleshooting, 1


about, 1

acknowledging, 1

deleting, 1

displaying, 1

monitoring, 1

file match criteria

about, 1

adding existing to archiving file systems, 1

adding file systems to, 1

adding to a policy, 1

administering, 1

defined in a policy, displaying, 1

displaying for a file system, 1

editing, 1

removing file systems from, 1

removing from archiving file system, 1

removing from policy, 1

reordering for archiving file systems, 1

using to display file systems, 1

file name patterns, 1

File System Manager software, installing, 1

file systems

about, 1

adding file match criteria to, 1

adding NFS directories to, 1

archiving. See archiving file systems

devices on, displaying, 1

file match criteria for, displaying, 1

file match criteria, displaying using, 1

HA-QFS. See highly available QFS (HA-QFS) file systems

managing, 1

NFS directories for, displaying, 1

protecting data on, 1

removing file match criteria from, 1

restore files process for, displaying, 1

shared. See shared file systems

stand-alone, non-archiving. See stand-alone, non-archiving file systems

status, displaying, 1

filter and search file name patterns, 1


recovery point content, 1

tables, 1


general archiving, setting up, 1

getting started (overview of tasks), 1


help system, using, 1

highly available QFS (HA-QFS) file systems, 1

about, 1

adding servers for, 1

creating, 1, 2


about, 1

displaying catalog information for, 1

host file, shared, 1, 2

hosts, 1, 2


incompatible software version message, troubleshooting, 1

initial configuration tasks, 1

installation, of File System Manager software, 1, 2



about, 1

canceling, 1

displaying, 1

monitoring, 1

using to view progress of processes, 1


labeling a VSN, 1


about, 1

adding, 1

auditing slots for VSNs in, 1

changing drive states, 1

changing the state of, 1

deleting, 1

managing, 1

managing VSNs in, 1

media attributes of VSNs in, editing, 1

monitoring, 1

mount requests in, displaying, 1

status and state, displaying, 1

supported, 1

unloading, 1

unloading VSNs from drives in, 1

unreserving VSNs in, 1

VSNs associated with, displaying, 1

log and trace files on servers, displaying, 1

logging in and out, 1


management station, software installed on, 1

media attributes, editing for disk VSNs, 1

media type parameters, 1, 2

media, removable, managing, 1

metadata servers

adding, 1

deleting, 1, 2

displaying for a shared file system, 1

mounting, 1

unmounting, 1, 2

metadata snapshots. See recovery points

minimum server release, displaying, 1


archiving activity, 1

environment, 1

faults, 1

file systems, 1

jobs, 1

libraries, 1

policies, 1

releasing activity, 1

servers, 1

staging activity, 1

mount options

editing, 1, 2

mount requests, displaying for a library, 1


archiving file systems, 1

clients, 1

media, requests, 1

metadata servers, 1

requests in a library, displaying, 1

shared file systems, 1, 2

stand-alone, non-archiving file systems, 1

user privileges to perform, 1


navigation tree, 1

navigational elements, 1

Network File System (NFS) directories

about, 1

adding, 1

changing the status of, 1

displaying for a file system, 1

editing options for, 1

removing, 1

NFS directories See Network File System (NFS) directories

notifications. See email alerts


online help system, using, 1


passwords, entering, 1


archiving, 1

archiving file systems, 1

file match criteria, 1

recovery points, 1

shared file systems, 1

stand-alone, non-archiving file systems, 1

policies, archive. See archive policies

pools, archiving to, 1

pop-up windows, overview of, 1

potential metadata servers

adding, 1

deleting, 1

mounting, 1

unmounting, 1

privileges, assigning user, 1

product overview, 1


recovery points

about, 1

damaged or stale files in, troubleshooting, 1

displaying status of activities for, 1

editing schedules for, 1

filtering content of, 1

planning for, 1

removing schedules for, 1

scheduling, 1, 2

searching content of, 1

taking on demand, 1


about, 1

configuring, 1

configuring library recycling values for, 1

configuring policy recycling values for, 1

running, 1

related documentation, 1


about, 1

configuring global values for, 1

releases, supported levels of software, 1


about, 1

displaying activity of, 1

monitoring activity of, 1

removable media

about, 1

managing, 1

report icons, 1

report tables, 1, 2

reserving a VSN, 1


displaying status of process, 1

file system data, 1

file systems, 1


SAM explorer files or reports. See SAMreports


about, 1

displaying, 1

generating, 1

troubleshooting with, 1

scanning methods, archiver, 1

searching, for a VSN, 1


limiting user privileges for, 1

setting timeout value for, 1

through protecting system data, 1


adding, 1, 2

changing current, 1

configuration files on

displaying, 1

overview of, 1

configuration of, displaying, 1

configuring, 1

file warning messages for, displaying, 1

inaccessible, troubleshooting, 1

log and trace files installed on, displaying, 1

minimum release supported for, displaying, 1

monitoring, 1

removing, 1

software packages on, displaying, 1

session timeout value, setting, 1

shared file systems

about, 1

administering, 1

creating, 1

deleting, 1

editing mount options for, 1

hosts in, displaying, 1

metadata server for, displaying, 1

mounting and unmounting, 1, 2, 3

planning, 1

shared hosts file, creating, 1

software packages installed on server, displaying, 1

software version, incompatible message, troubleshooting, 1

sorting tables, 1


about, 1

configuring global values for, 1


about, 1

controlling global activity for, 1

displaying activity of, 1

file or directory on demand, 1

managing activity for, 1

monitoring activity of, 1

stand-alone, non-archiving file systems

about, 1

administering, 1

checking, 1

creating, 1

deleting, 1

editing mount options for, 1

growing, 1

mounting, 1

planning, 1

unmounting, 1

status and state

changing for a library drive, 1

of file systems, 1

of libraries, displaying, 1

of library, changing, 1

of recovery point activities, 1

of NFS directories, changing, 1

of restore processes, 1

STK ACSLS (StorageTek Automated Cartridge System Library Software), adding library for, 1, 2

StorageTek 5800. See Sun StorageTek 5800

StorageTek SAM software. See Sun StorageTek SAM software

Sun Cluster environment

adding servers that are part of, 1

as relates to HA-QFS file systems, 1, 2, 3

Sun StorageTek 5800

archiving to, 1

Sun StorageTek SAM software, about, 1

supported release levels, 1



controls, 1

filtering, 1

sorting, 1

tape archiving, enabling, 1

tape drives

cleaning, 1

idling, 1

in library, displaying, 1

in library, managing, 1

supported, 1

unloading, 1

task overview

for configuring servers, 1

getting started, 1

timeout value, setting, 1

trace files on a server, displaying, 1


damaged or stale files in recovery point, 1

of device displayed multiple times, 1

of fault conditions not displayed, 1

of inaccessible server, 1

of incompatible software version message, 1

using SAMreports, 1

VSNs with no available space, 1

typographic conventions, 1


UNIX commands, using, 1


drives, 1

libraries, 1, 2

VSNs from drives of a library, 1, 2


archiving file systems, 1

clients, 1

metadata servers, 1, 2

shared file systems, 1, 2

stand-alone, non-archiving file systems, 1

user privileges to perform, 1

unreserving VSNs, 1

user privileges, assigning, 1


volume serial names (VSNs)

about creating associations with archiving file systems, 1

assigned to policy copies, displaying, 1

auditing slots in a library for, 1

creating disk, 1

disk or tape, enabling archiving to, 1

editing attributes for, 1

exporting, 1

importing, 1

in a library, managing, 1

labeling, 1

library, displaying, 1

loading into a library, 1

managing disk for archiving, 1

modifying in policy copies, 1

no available space on, troubleshooting, 1


about, 1

creating, 1

deleting, 1

editing, 1

managing for archiving, 1

reserving, 1

searching, 1

unloading from drives of a library, 1

unreserving, 1

VSNs. See volume serial names (VSNs)


warning messages in server files, displaying, 1

wizards, 1